Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i francuska organizacja Centre Régional Information Jeunesse Poitou-Charentes Maison de l’Europe de la Vienne poszukują wolontariuszy na projekt EVS we Francji w Poitiers. Zgłoszenia: CV wraz z listem motywacyjnym w języku angielskim prosimy przesłać na oba adresy mailowe: oraz
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 12 grudnia 2016
Do zgłoszeń prosimy dodać poniższą informację (w treści wiadomości mailowej)
Sending association:
Bona Fides Association (Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides)
Acronym: SAO Bona Fides
ul. Warszawska 19
40-009 Katowice
PIC: 947802812
EI referance number(HEI-REF): 2015-1-PL01-KA110-017199
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska
Coordinating Organisation: Centre Régional Information Jeunesse Poitou-Charentes Maison de l’Europe de la Vienne
Receiving Organisation: MCL Le Local
Location: Poitiers, France
Deadline: 12/12/2016
Start: 04/09/2017
End: 31/08/2018
Description of the Receiving Organization
The Regional Youth Information Centre or Centre Régional Information Jeunesse (CRIJ) Poitou-Charentes in Poitiers, is one of the 25 CRIJ in France (and over-seas). The CRIJ is an association which proposes services to the public in general thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Regional Council of Poitou-Charentes, the General Council of La Vienne, the Urban Community of Grand Poitiers and the city of Poitiers. The CRIJ proposes information and services that cover all themes of Youth Information : education, training courses, jobs, employment, health, everyday life, leisures and cultural activities, sports, holidays, Europe and other countries (education, training courses, jobs, employment, everyday life,…).
MCL Le Local is the community center of the city center of Poitiers. Its specificity is to combine in the same project the community center, a young resident housing and a solidarity grocery.Le Local works with any kind of public: early childhood, childhood, youth, adults and elderly people through its various sectors:- Childhood- Culture- Youth- Family and inter generational- Young housing services- Young resident housing- Solidarity grocery- European actionsLe Local is an association law 1901. It has 1100 members and 29 full-time workers. A lot of volunteers and local residents participate in it. The association is accredited as a community center. It is a member of the Federation of the Community centers of Vienne and the Regional Young Resident Housing Union.
Description of the proposed project:
The activities in which the volunteer could take part and/or create are:
– participating in the animation of the solidarity grocery
– inciting young people and the public of Le Local to get involved in the life of the organization by becoming volunteer
– participating in the organization of the animations in the association, in particular around the bar and the multimedia
– preparing and realizing events linked with the childhood and youth sector
– participating in the creation and in the realization of collective actions carried by the volunteers, the public and the members of Le Local.
The volunteer has his/her own accommodation or is in a house shared with other EVS volunteers. (S)he receives monthly money for food and pocket money.
The volunteer has a bus card to travel on all the bus lines in Poitiers.
Desired EVS volunteer profile:
– interest for the animation with young people
– ability to listen, think and built new activities with young people
– patience
– ability to take initiatives and to propose his/her own ideas
– capacity to work in a team
– motivation and interest for the associative project and its activities
– artistic skills wished
– A pre-intermediate knowledge of French language in required.
How to apply:
If you are interested in this project, send your cv and cover letter to and
The volunteer is chosen (if there are more than one candidate application) according to its motivation and its interest to the project and to the activities.