EVS w Turcji, More Visible – More Voluntary

Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i organizacja Pi Youth Association (Pi Gençlik Derneği) z Turcji poszukują wolontariuszy na projekt EVS w mieście Izmir.

W tytule wiadomości mailowej prosimy wpisać: „More Visible, More Voluntary – Polish candidate”. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane.

Zgłoszenia (CV w formacie Europass i list motywacyjny w j. angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adresy evs@pigenclikdernegi.org i natalia@bonafides.pl (Zgłoszenia należy wysłać na oba podane adresy mailowe jednocześnie!).

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 1 kwietnia 2017

Do zgłoszeń prosimy koniecznie dodawać poniższą informację:

Sending association:
Bona Fides Association (Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides)
Acronym: SAO Bona Fides
ul. Warszawska 19
40-009 Katowice
PIC: 947802812
EI referance number: 2013-PL-100
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska
My sending organization may be also coordinating organization and apply with project to Polish National Agency for the nearest deadline.

Organizacja przyjmująca : Pi Youth Association (Pi Gençlik Derneği)
Miejsce: Izmir, Turcja
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 01/04/2017
Czas trwania wolontariatu: 01/06/2017 – 30/05/2018
(wolontariat długoterminowy – 12 miesięcy)
Ilość wolnych miejsc: 2 wolontariuszy

Projekt EVS „More Visible, More Voluntary”umżliwi Wam prowadzenie działań promocyjnych organizacji Pi Youth Association w Izmirze w Turcji. Do Waszych obowiązków jako wolontariuszy należeć będą m.in. zarządzenie mediami społecznościowymi, robienie zdjęć i kręcenie filmów promocyjnych z działań organizacji. Oprócz tego będzie też wiele okazji do działań z lokalną młodzieżą.

Receiving Organization
Pi Youth Association is a non-profit organisation who works on youth rights and issues. It was established in 14 March 2014. Pi Youth Association maintains activities regularly for members and volunteers composed youngsters. Besides these activities, regional, national and international projects produces, enforces and developes partnership on identified 6 work topics. Every individual who lives in Turkey between the ages of 15 and 30, especially young people who are disadvantaged in social, economic, geographical, etc. who enter into women, disabled, refugee and minority classes, is in the target group of Pi Youth Association. Our association aims at both working on rights and problems of the youth like woman & people with disabilities in the society and contributing to their development without being unhealthy and behind the times. Besides, we carry on our works for popularizing the volunteering between the youth and being high level of participation in volunteering activities. Our association is member of various corporate networks related to mission topics in order to both increase our corporate capacity and the national&international effects of activities and fallow the developments.

Project Description
„More Visible, More Voluntary” is an EVS (European Voluntary Service) project run under the Erasmus Plus program. Within the scope of this project, 2 volunteers will give support to the work of our association for 1 year with the following duties and responsibilities. The „More Visible, More Voluntary” project is a project designed to make the volunteer work of our association and volunteer associations more visible.
• Managing our association’s social media accounts / supporting local volunteers in charge of this issue.
• To take photos the events and activities of the Association.
• Recording videos of Association events and activities.
• To create a short film of associations activities and projects.
• For the social media, web sites and projects of association, prepare banner, brenda, advertisements. Preparing visuals.
• To organise and training workshops for local people about photography and video knowledge
• Organize an English speaking club for local youth.
• To participate in Turkish language trainings prepared for them.
• To writing blogs for in the website of volunteering activities.

Our Association works between 10.00 a.m – 6.00 p.m hours. Volunteers will work between these hours to not exceed 35 hours a week in our association center. The volunteers are permitted 2 days a week Sunday and Mondays. The volunteers will work at the our office and designated project site of our association between specified hours in other days. Our activities like Youth Exchanges and National Volunteer Meeting take place at the hotel or in youth camps. Therefore, volunteers can work in those places in some changing days. The volunteers have got more 2 free days in a month with weekly holiday. Total, they have 24 free days in a year. Without weekly holiday, this free days will organised with volunteer and hosting organisation for use when and how long use by volunteers. You can find office photos belong organisation under this writing. Volunteers will work in this office

The target group of our association is young people aged 15-30. For this reason, our volunteers who will join our team with EVS will work with young people between the ages of 15-30. Generally, young people from 18-25 years of age participate in our activities. The most important selection criteria for volunteers is that the candidates’ digital skills.
• Between the ages of 18 and 30
• Female volunteer
• Microsoft Office programs and internet skills
• To be strong on communication skill
• It’s not the problem-oriented the solution-minded think.
• Good level of English
• Tend to team work
• Work with young people in different religions and cultures
• Responsible for delivering the work properly and on time.
• They do not require luxury requirements on the study area and accommodation. (Cleanliness and safety are important for us)
• Can live with family (with mother and son)
• Creative and open-minded
• Looking knowledged / experienced or interested / enthusiastic volunteers on youth work. In addition, it is not compulsory;
• If you have knowledge and experience in creating and managing volunteer websites, this is the reason for your preference.
• If you have knowledge about the institution and management on WordPress this is the reason for you preference.
• If you have a professional digital camera or camera, this is the reason for you preference. • If volunteers have got experiences about using and applying non-formal education technics, this is the reason for your preference.
• If you are experienced in managing groups in meetings and activities like volunteer, Youth exchange and etc., this is the reason for your preference.

You can send your English CV (Europass format) and motivation letters to evs@pigenclikdernegi.org and natalia@bonafides.pl until 1 April 2017 for apply to our project. If you have photography, short cut movie and video arrangement which you doing hobby or as professional, you can add on applications. Please send your sample portfolio’s link for deliver your portfolios. Due to the large file size, DO NOT SEND an e-mail attachment.

More informations you are able to find in our INFOPACK

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