EVS w Gruzji, Caucasus Youth Nexus: Youth, culture, ecology

EVS w Gruzji to propozycja Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego i gruzińskiej organizacji Caucasus Youth Nexus poszukującej wolontariuszy na EVS w stolicy państwa Tbilisi.

Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu
W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisywać „Caucasus Youth Nexus – Georgia”

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 9 kwiecień 2017 r.

Organizacja przyjmująca:Caucasus Youth Nexus
Lokalizacja: Tbilisi, Gruzja
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 09/04/2017
Okres wolontariatu: Październik 2017 – Październik 2018
Czas trwania: Projekt długoterminowy (12 miesięcy, nie krócej 10 miesięcy)
Wolne miejsca: 1 wolontariusz

Pragniecie działać z młodzieżą w przepięknej Gruzji? Chcecie angażować się w akcje społeczne w stolicy tego kraju? Ten projekt jest własnie dla Was. Jako wolontariusze EVS w organizacji Caucasus Youth Nexus będziecie organizować lokalne aktywności: kulturalne, edukacyjne, ekologiczne.

Volunteer’s tasks:

Supporting our on-going projects
The volunteer will assist in the implementation of organization’s main local and international activities (key topics: intercultural dialogue, peace building and conflict transformation, ecological awareness). This involves establishing and maintaining active communication with our partners and participants, recruiting people for the activities, preparing info-packs and newsletters and supporting the team members in their administrative work.

Our ongoing projects:

Youth Reflex – which aims to research problems of young people in various parts/regions of Georgia. After the research stage, we aim to provide those young people with educational training courses about advocacy and problem-oriented solutions
Youth Peace Leaders Academy – which aims to develop civil society through inclusion ethnic minorities into society, target group of the project is young people 15-20 years old
Inter-cultural/inter-culinary evenings – where international and Georgia students represent their cultures, history, traditions, food and dances. Program aims to create positive attitude among youth with different cultural backgrounds, through culinary, dialogues and art
Environmental projects and activities – Caucasus Youth Nexus is legal umbrella of Let’s Do It Georgia movement, which aims to work on the activities regarding the environment issues such as: cleaning the nature, planting trees, recycling and various green activities
Organizing local activities
One of the volunteer’s responsibilities will be to organize their own educational/cultural activities connected to the topics we work with. This could be for example presentations about their country/culture, round tables on intercultural dialogue, intercultural evenings prepared together with foreign students from different countries we work with, workshops and events on ecological awareness (such as campaigns, cleaning initiatives, tree planting and others). Most of these activities are expected to be addressed to young people living both in Tbilisi and the regions, which will also give the volunteer a chance to get more familiar with the Georgian culture.

Public relations and media
The volunteer will be expected to assist our team in promotional activities. This involves producing and working with digital content (videos, photos), creating content for our website, updating our social media profiles and helping out with sharing our activities with a broad audience both in Georgia and abroad.

Volunteer’s profile
The person to join our team should be:

Motivated young person between 18 and 30 years old
ready to spend 1 year in a new country and curious to discover its language, people and culture
able to communicate in English (both speaking and writing is essential)
interested in exploring the main topics we work with: intercultural dialogue and culture of peace, ecological/environmental awareness
open, communicative and eager to work with people (especially young)
having some basic digital skills (working with photos/videos and managing social media)
experience in organizing previous cultural/educational activities for youth will be considered an advantage
it may be youth with fewer opportunities (social, economic, geographical and educational obstacles)
For more information about the host organization in Georgia:
Web: www.caynex.ge/
Facebook (which is part of networking and cooperation organization)
Let’s do it Georgia

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