EVS w Grecji, Orfeas Organization in Xylokastro – FRSP

EVS w Grecji to wspólna propozycja organizacji Orfeas Organization we współpracy z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego, która poszukuje wolontariuszy na projekt EVS w Xylokastro.
Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w j. angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu oraz orfeas.org.12@gmail.com (dokumenty należy przesłać na oba adresy mailowe jednocześnie!). W tytule wiadomości należy wpisać: “tytuł projektu – FRSP candidate” np: “Let’s play together in the kindergarten of Velo-Vocha – FRSP candidate” lub “Help at Home in Xylokastro –Evrostini – FRSP candidate”

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 9 kwietnia 2017

Do wiadomości w treści maila prosimy dodawać poniższą informację:

Sending organization: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Acronym: FRSP
Adress: Warszawska 6, 311 room, 40-006 Katowice, Silesia region, POLAND
PIC: 934141623
Accreditation number: 2015-1-PL01-KA110-014455
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska
My sending organization is able to apply with the project to the Polish NA for the nearest deadline

Tym razem mamy dla Was proposycję kilku projektów EVS na Półwyspie Peloponeskim. Wśród propozycji:
– możliwość działań ekologicznych gdzie wolontariusze będą odpowiedzialni za dbanie o lasy w Xylokastro i Derveni (podlewanie i sadzenie drzew, dbanie o czystość), wytyczanie szlaków turystycznych i reperację już istniejących, będą zajmować się ochroną wybrzeże itp.
– Praca w przedszkolu, pomoc opiekunkom w działaniach pozaformalnych z dzieciakami jak np. lekcje rysowania i malowania, warsztaty artystyczne, muzyczne czy teatralne
– Praca z dzieciakami w Centrum Kreatywności, gdzie wilontariusze również będą organizować warsztaty teatralne, muzyczne, artystyczne
– Praca w biurze informacji młodzieżowej przy Urzędach miast Xylokastro i Vocha-Velo, która skupia się na promocji możliwości dla młodzieży jak np. Programu Erasmus+
– współpraca z osobami starszymi

Project 1
Let’s play together in the kindergarten of Velo-Vocha


Let’s play together in the kindergarten of Xylokastro-Evrostini

duration of the projects: from 6 months up to 11 months
start of the project: Sept/ 2017
EVS volunteers support and help in the every day work of the kindergarten. This includes helping in the fine-art workshop, painting lessons, theatrical workshop, playing games with the children in the free time activity (the volunteer has the opportunity of making his/ her own workshop), helping the teachers to prepare the materials and the room for the activities, gathering them after the activity, take care of the kids from accidents, avoiding conflicts between the kids, comply the kids with the rules of the kindergarten, pay attention on immature aggressive kids , helping in the kitchen of the kindergarten.

Centre of creative work with children (Municipality of Xylokastro-Evrostini)

Duration of the program: from 6 months up to 11 months
Start of the project: sept/ 2017
EVS volunteers will provide additional support and help in the everyday work of the Center of Creative Work with Children. This includes helping in the theatrical workshop/theatrical games, theatre with puppets) music-kinetic workshop (they will support music-kinetic games, sound stories, singing, playing on musical instruments) and fine-art workshop (the volunteers will work on the field of handcraft, to use different kind of materials such as clay, lime etc., they will help the children to make constructions, collages, paintings etc.).The volunteers will play with the kids in the free time activity, helping the teachers to prepare the materials and the room for the activities, gathering them after the activity, avoiding conflicts between the kids, paying attention on immature aggressive kids, playing and take care of the kids during the outside activities

Informative activities and equal opportunities

duration: from 6 months up to 11 months
Start of the project: Oct / 2017
This project takes place in the youth information offices of the organization in Xylokastro and Vocha-Velo municipalities. Through these offices we want to show the possibilities to the young people of the region age between 16-30 Volunteer’s activities: The activities include working in the information offices. The volunteers participate in the presentations in the schools, promoting the activities of the Information offices, office work and coordination of the youth in action – projects, Media project, like interview Greek and European volunteers with video, work on forums about EVS and uploading information, press realizes, Facebook, Twitter..etc.

Help at Home in Xylokastro –Evrostini


Help at Home in Velo- Vocha

duration: 6 months
Start of the project: Sept/ 2017
The target group of our program is the elderly people with special needs who need help, have problem with their health, with the physical condition of their body, who can’t do the everyday living activities by themselves (cooking, cleaning, washing, shopping, etc.). The volunteers can help us to be able to give help more elderly people, they will participate in visiting and helping in the elderly people’s homes, taking care of them, paying attention, helping in the assistants’ work (bring the medicines, the food, they can clean the house, cook for them, pay the bills etc.), furthermore the volunteers help in the centre of elderly.

Environmental project in the forest of Xylokastro (SHORT TERM) (2014-1-EL02-KA110-001708)

duration: 4 or 8 weeks
starting of the project: from Sept/ 2017
We would like to host EVS volunteers to support and help in the everyday work of the environmental program of the municipality of Xylokastro – Evrostinis. This includes helping to protect the forest of Xylokastro, protect the coast, planting new trees, they will help making new and repairing the old footpath, benches, tables, wooden and metal fences in the forest…etc.

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