Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i Associação Académica da UMa poszukują wolontariuszy na projekt EVS w Portugalii, na Maderze.
Zgłoszenia (CV, list motywacyjny oraz specjalny formularz aplikacyjny: application-form-aauma w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 12 lutego 2017
Mamy dla Was propozycję projektu kulturalnego. Stając się wolontariuszem EVS w organizacji Associação Académica da UMa otrzymujecie niezbędne przeszkolenie a następnie jesteście przewodnikami turystycznymi. Oprowadzacie zwiedzających po historycznym Kolegium Jezuickim czy pośród zabytkowych budynków Funchal w ramach „A walk through the history of Madeira 2.0″ zaznajamiając ich z historią miasta jak i opowiadając ciekawostki o odwiedzanych miejscach. Ponadto wolontariusz będzie wsparciem w biurze AAUMa. Istnieje również możliwość prowadzenia działań z dzieciakami i studentami. Więcej szczegółów poniżej.
Receiving Organization:Associação Académica da UMa
Vacancies: 1 placement
Activitiy dates of Volunteers: January 2017- October 2017
Duration of Activity: 7 months
Project title: A walk through the history of Madeira
Place: Funchal, Madera Island, Portugal
Deadline: 12th of February 2017
Proposed activities:
„A walk through the history of Madeira” project aims to intercultural learning of young people,facilitating joint activities of young people in different cultural environment. The project includes tasks to support young people in their training process through intercultural experiences with college students from other countries of the university,as well as collaboration with youth at risk of social exclusion through social activities developed by the Associação Académica da Universidade da Madeira, which aims to help young people with learning disabilities in different training centers linked to university and the regional government of Madeira.Other activities involve support in daily guided tours to areas of the College, supporting the conservation of the building, supporting interaction with foreign visitors,support and organization of musical events. It is a historical project with guided tours,assistance activities to the tourists and history investigation.In this perspective,volunteers will participate in the daily activities of the association such as supporting other youth involved in the training of university studies.
The projects in which volunteers are encouraged to participate and support are:
-Jesuits College of Funchal Participate
AAUMa at the Jesuit College.These activities involve support in daily guided tours to areas of the College,supporting the conservation of the building, interaction with foreign visitors,organization of musical events.In addition to the visits to the Jesuit College of Funchal tours to other city attractions are promoted.The Church of St. John the Evangelist and the building of the Town Hall are the places where volunteers will develop studies and analysis in the context of history and art history,aiming to promote actions in these monuments.The interaction with other parts of the city will allow the development of activities for different audiences,from the Jesuit College
-Complementing the activities in the Jesuits’ College of Funchal,such as guided tours,the AAUMa promotes educational visits for all the schools in Madeira.These educational visits allow children to get to know Jesuits’ College of Funchal and learn about its history.
Volunteers will participate in all activities of the project by accompanying and preparing the visits together with school teachers and helping to prepare their lectures.The educational visits are promoted to all schools in the region.The audience is made up of thousands of students in various courses of study , which can make educational visits to the Jesuit College Integrated in the project volunteers may participate in the organization and dynamics of these actions, as well as the articulation of this activity with other institutions in Madeira:museums,city hall,science centers etc.The activity is preceded by a training in schools of origin ,on the framework of the visit the educational content that is taught to the study of visitors cycle.
-History Tellers:walk with real stories.The History Tellers project tries to present the Funchal of the past and the presentday city. In this unique experience,volunteers will teach local people and visitors about the history of Funchal,among real streets and buildings.
Volunteers will follow and support all the historical research which are essential to support and develop the project.It will allow to take several stories out of the paper in the form of real stories and create a metaphysical tie between the Funchal of the past and the present.
– They will activated with AAUMa staff new guided tour to the Municipal Theater.
-University Sports Support in sports activities.These activities might be:football,soccer,diving,gokarting,walks on the island of Madeira,among others.
-Doutorecos support the activities undertaken by AAUMa’s staff.During one month AAUMa develops an atelier during vacation for children between 6 and 12 years old.The Doutorecos consists of several spaces devoted to activities related to different areas of knowledge appropriate to the age of the recipients and recreational and educational nature,including:
·Small experimental activities in the areas of biology,chemistry and physics.
·Music,Dance,Photography,Theatre and Artistic Expression.
·School Support the holiday work.
·Computers,Film and Literature.
·Traditional Games,Group Games,Sports Methods of Practice Traditional and radicals.
– UMajuda support disadvantaged children and young people.This activity aims to assist schools disadvantaged of basic education in the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
-Support for cultural actions.The cultural activities are varied in a space that is also multifaceted.Conferences,workshops, the soirees of music, exhibitions, the gatherings and many other events are run in the project.Since ideation to completion and sale of the
shares,the volunteers will go through all the necessary steps to complete the action.Are activities performed weekly to ensure the revitalization project and the interaction with the audience,making the social aspect is a majorfocus.A multidisciplinary team will accompany the volunteers throughout the various stages, allowing for interaction with different subject areas: arts, literature, history, communication,culture and design. The study, analysis, discussion, preparation, assembly,execution and balance are key steps in each initiative.
The working methods used will be always non formal education.Volunteer will be directly involved in planned activities in its different stages (preparation,development,monitoring and implementation).
Volunteers profile:
Whereas the purpose of the project is to find volunteers in the interest and motivation to develop the proposed activities and tasks. The dynamism and creativity are also very imporant characteristics in order to suggest , plan and develop activities with various audiences.
The flexibility , positivity and willingness of volunteers to carry out tasks of all kinds of innovative ways.
They hoped to find volunteers in a spirit of adaptation and flexibility , and the willingness to live in an ultra- peripheral region available to learn a new language and to comparir their knowledge , culture and customs . The estudiasmo and motivation are also required to participate in projects and undertake new ones.
It’s welcome that the candidates have some relation to cultural studies or history studies. It is good if they already have some experiance in guiding tours.
The projects carried out by the Union of Students of the University of Madeira are open to volunteers of both sexes between 17 and 30 years old.