Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i ormiańska organizacja “Center for Community Mobilisation and Support” Community Based NGO poszukują wolontariuszy na zaakceptowany do realizacji projekt EVS w Armenii, w Alaverd.
Projekt otrzymał już dofinansowanie w Polskiej Narodowej Agencji. Zgłoszenia (CV oraz list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres
W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisać: Building Better Community Through Giving. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 19 lutego 2017
Coordinating and Sending Organization: Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides
Receiving Organization:”Center for Community Mobilisation and Support” Community Based NGO
Vacancies: 2 placements
Activitiy dates of Volunteers: 01. 03.2017 – 28.02. 2018 or 01. 04.2017 – 31.03. 2018
Duration of Activity: 12 months
Project title: Building Better Community Through Giving
Place: Alaverdi, Armenia
Deadline: 19th of February 2017
Description of Receiving Organization
CCMS implements different projects directed to youth voluntary movement. It has established community active groups in deprived urban and rural communities and has implemented projects directed to their capacity building. The CCMS partners are World Vision Armenia international organization, Counterpart International and other international and local organizations, funds.
CCMS has an experience of working on local level for more than 10 years. CCMS now has 12 members from which 10 are community social workers, director and accountant. Social workers have psycological abilities. They are also community organizers. The community social workers are mainly operating in concrete rural and deprived urban communities. The host organisation has offices in all those communities in Alaverdy region. CCMS also has about 50 voluntiers of different proffessions. Some of them are involved in different projects.
World Vision Armenia international organization finances the community development activities in the 10 rural and deprived urban areas in Alaverdy. The organisation implements various community development projects linked to environmental protection, education and pre-school education, health, and economical development.
The objectives of the “Building better community through giving” project are:
-fostering intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding between EVS volunteers and Armenian and Georgian young people from excluded areas while raising their Intercultural and tolerance sensitivity;
– providing understanding of conflict roots and showing a great need in peace in Caucasus among Armenian by giving them Georgian example as a country of intercultural and inter-religious minorities;
-raising the awareness of young people from excluded areas in Armenia on current European topics, Youth Policy, Neighbourhood Policy, EU Structures and Values, thus raising their sense of European Awareness;
-raising the volunteers’ sense of Active European Citizenship and initiation while running European Clubs and promoting these values in deprived urban and rural areas of Armenia having a large impact on local communities and empowering local young people to be active participants in their own societies;
-developing cooperation between sending and receiving organisations involved in the project while strengthening already existing trustful cooperation and leaving room for other future planned projects within EVS and other activities of ERASMUS+ programme.
-Social inclusion through egagement disadvantage youngsters from exluded areas of Armenia, among them Azeris and Geogians;
-Stimulating the sense of initiative among young people through involvement of unemployed youth in activities;
-EU citizenship and the rights that go with it.
The Polish volunteers will develop the following activities:
-(10%)III-V 2017 A Set of prep trainings
They’lll create a bilingual guide(English&Armenian)of their upcoming activities in order to provide better service to themselves&youth from advantaged groups which they will going to conduct to start up cooperation and also to improve the service of the CCMS with advantaged youngers.The guide will include volunteers’ schedule,tips and advices of CCMS’s staff about knowledge they need to get before meetings,all the added material to use based on the Armenian young person’s profile(from project’s target group).EVS Coordinator,mentor and CCMS’s staff will provide the volunteers trainings about Armenian culture,traditions,relations with neighbors,Armenian youth problems,time&training management,conflict management,communication skills,leadership,how to live into Armenian culture etc.The volunteers’lll conduct contact with youth and social workers from chosen communities and prepare all tools for meetings.Here they’ll be involved in the management of information&communication tools of our NGO:newsletters,social networks,publications&website.
-(45%)VI-XII 2017 – Implementation of the European Discussion Club in Alaverdi district.
The volunteers will collaborate with youth workers in chosen communities and conduct meeting with them.Main characters in the different stages of the initiatives in the frame of this action,which promotes the research&the development of the area,the increase for the respect for the inter-cultural and inter-religious diversity by discussions.
Specifying,the volunteers will collaborate with CCMS staff and youth from specific communities on:
-creating social campaign on social media by collecting photos and short movies of youth from the club to promote among local community tolerant attitudes and raise awareness on existing stereotypes and the cultural differences in Caucasus.It’s proposed as a unique opportunity for volunteers to understand deeply certain aspects of the area.
-Organization The Great Debate during summer camps for poor youth from advantaged groups that takes place for two weekends. Children and youth from different schools get together for summer camp and older youth discuss on a series topics previously decided byt the youth workers and volunteers.During the camp,volunteers and youth have the chance to improve their debating techniques and public speaking as well as their level of English and facilitating and planning skills.
-The trips–European club’s outside activities are about education by trips. Each destination has it’s own focus,which will effect the itinearary(trip to Georgian-Armenian monastery “Akhtala” with youth etc.). All trips have three things in common:we work (volunteers and youngsters prepare historical info and curiosities about the sights),we travel to the chosen place(by hiking,with picnic,photographing,recording,shooting short movies and making presentation after that)and we dive in to the culture,traditions (discussions about Georgian influence on Armenian traditions,cuisine,fashion,etc.)
-Set of activities “We are all on the same boat”–simulations and games,which show Armenian youth that we are all similar,live in Caucasus,have the same problems,should take care of our common future and be aware of radicalization danger( World’s Smallest Political Quiz–find your political identity,Culture Questionnaire,Play the famous “Prisoner’s Dilemma”game-this game, which is fun to play,has extremely important applications in the political and social sciences and teaches how to write the best strategy for winning.
-(35%)VI-XII 2017
Planning process and implementing of European Discussion Clubs for Armenian and Georgian Youth–meetings with a Georgian partner via skype and in person to plan the meetings and activities of youth,two study visits of Armenian youth in Georgia in Marneuli district(where Georgians,Azers and Armenians live peacefully together)and Georgian youth in Alaverdi district to learn how to deal with stereotypes and challenges of cross-border cooperation,exchange good practices,opinions about cooperation chances and have a better understanding of culture differences.Volunteers’ll be responsible for collecting interview and opinions of youth by a camera on these topics, then preparing final report in pdf.
-(10%)I-II 2018 Evaluation
Volunteers will have time to evaluate their new skills,prepare final report of European Discussion club and promote it on-line.As is being usual in these last years they can plan and prepare movie about their work in clubs and show it during special “Bye Bye Gala”.
Volunteer’s profile
The receiving organisation CCMS is operating in a distant town, Alaverdi, which organizes its activities in deprived urban and rural areas. This project is specifically designed for activating the social life of young people who live in quite disadvantaged towns and nearby villages in Armenia.
There is no specific competence/qualification required, but participants could be provided in the basic knowledge and skills required in post-conflict and crisis areas, highlight the importance of active involvement in the host society, and promote a reflective and critical approach. Nevertheless the receiving organization is looking for motivated volunteers having good sense of community life and cooperation. They should also be eager to take initiatives and be ready to work with young people coming from different social and educational backgrounds. The organization is also looking for open-minded volunteers who are ready to experience the real taste of a new and a quite different culture in towns which are not a capital city, and are equally ready to share and present the culture they come from. The volunteers’ motivation is of utmost importance and it would be great to have volunteers who are interested in promoting inter-cultural and inter-religious diversity, European values in disadvantaged areas.
Despite having a quite clear direction, this project is pretty wide in its scope; therefore it can always be adapted and adjusted according to the volunteers’ profiles and their special interests. All the partner organizations would like to have the program flow maximally flexible in order to provide space for project fine-tuning and maximum matching to the volunteers’ preferences. Moreover, the volunteers will be encouraged to initiate their own or joint mini projects which would give them another opportunity to enrich their EVS learning experience.