EVS we Włoszech, Younet Bologna – FRSP

EVS we Włoszech to wspólna propozycja organizacji YOUNET we współpracy z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego. YOUNET poszukuje wolontariuszy na projekt EVS w Bolonii lub Budrio.

Zgłoszenie CV i list motywacyjny w j. angielskim należy przesłać na adresy mailowe: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu oraz evs@you-net.eu (Zgłoszenia należy wysłać na oba adresy mailowe!)

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 25 grudnia 2016r.

W treści wiadomości mailowej prosimy dodać informację:
Sending organization: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Acronym: FRSP
Adress: Warszawska 6, 311 room, 40-006 Katowice, Silesia region, POLAND
PIC: 934141623
Accreditation number: 2015-1-PL01-KA110-014455
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska
My sending organization is able to apply with the project to the Polish NA for the nearest deadline

Receiving organization: YOUNET
Place: Bologna/Budrio, Italy
Start: May /June 2017
End: May/ June 2018
Deadline: 25th of December 2016

project description
The volunteers will be actively embedded in this multiethnic and stimulating environment by exploiting the activities and the network of contacts of Centro Sociale Montanari. This will enable them to approach this context and act as protagonists thus making the most of the unique opportunity of the EVS. This close contact with the local community and the active participation in volunteering, informative and formative activities carried out by the center will widely enhance the growing possibility for the volunteers.
The first volunteers will be actively embedded in the multi ethnic and stimulating environment of Bologna by exploiting the activities and the network of contacts of YouNet. This will enable them to approach this context and act as protagonists thus making the most of the unique opportunity of the EVS. This close contact with the local community and the active participation in volunteering. Informative and formative activities carried out by YouNet will widely enhance the growing possibility for the volunteers.

Learning opportunities:
An EVS experience with YouNet allows the volunteers to improve and enhance their knowledge and attitudes. they are going to do it through non-formal education means such as interactive workshops, practical laboratories, info days.
The volunteers will be involved in a European environment and will have the chance to learn about European institutions (European Commission, Council of Europe).

2nd volunteer will be engaged in the project in Budrio is a small Municipality close to Bologna 15 minutes by train.

The project includes the involvement of volunteers in the cultural activities of the Municipality of Budrio and Bologna. With particular attention to those related to the Theatre Consortium, the Water Towers, the Ocarina Museum, to the Puppet and cured initiatives by the Department of Youth Policy. We will develop stronger relationships and dynamics between the different cultural initiatives of Budrio. It includes educational institutions, and promote cultural initiatives for citizenship, with particular attention to young people.

Promotional activities will be organized, such as cultural events, courses, workshops, exhibitions, book presentations, guided tours offered by the municipality of Budrio. That will be achieved through social networks and websites of the Municipality in collaboration with the Communication Group (composed by local youth).

accommodation, food and transport arrangements
Volunteer will share the room with another volunteer (same gender) in a flat with all facilities, shared with other volunteers (local or international). The flat is composed by 3 double bedrooms, 2 toilets, small kitchen and dining room. There is wi-fi and washing machine. Volunteer will have a monthly food allowance (in cash) to buy food and basic needs.
He/She will cook the own meals. Volunteer will have the bus ticket for activities

volunteer profile
Interest and motivation in the topic of the project. Previous experience in the field of entertainment, communication and some technical knowledge about Theatre, would give us an interesting opportunity for sharing best practices.

how to apply
Please send you CV and motivation letter specific for this project to evs@you-net.eu and to natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu

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