EVS w Portugalii, Rosto Solidario

EVS w Portugalii to wspólny projekt Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego i organizacji Rosto Solidário– Associação de Desenvolvimento Social e Humano. Projekt będzie miał miejsce Santa Maria da Feira począwszy od października 2017.

Zgłoszenia (CV list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 12 kwietnia 2017

Organizacja przyjmująca: Rosto Solidário– Associação de Desenvolvimento Social e Humano
Organizacja koordynująca i wysyłająca: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Dostępność: 2 wolne miejsce
Daty aktywności wolontariusza w projekcie: Październik 2017 – Sierpień 2018
Czas trwania: 10 miesięcy
Gdzie: Santa Maria da Feira, Portugalia

Do waszych zadań jako wolontariuszy EVS w organizacji Rosto Solidário należęć będzię prowadzenie warsztatów z globalnej edukacji obywatelskiej. Jej celem jest promowanie świadomości obywatelskiej na świecie wśród grup młodzieżowych oraz współpraca w zakresie edukacji pozaformalnej i szkolenia dotyczące równości płci. Będziecie promować uczestnictwo obywatelskie i dialog międzykulturowy. Wspierać solidarności i działania na rzecz wspólnego dobrobytu. Organizacja włącza wolontariusze we wszystkie swoje działania, przedstawione poniżej.

Rosto Solidário (RS) is a Portuguese NGDO (non-governmental organization for development), established in 2007. The organisation is based in Santa Maria da Feira about 30 km from Oporto.

RS aims to foster global citizenship and solidarity by enhancing local communities’ human and social development. RS core principles are civic participation, social integration, solidarity, networking and partnership.
The organisation scope of work includes four main areas: International Development Cooperation, Global Citizenship Education, Volunteering and Family-based Social Support. Gender Equity, Human Rights and Social Inclusion are RS cross-cutting subjects.

RS legal status of public utility has been recognized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2008. As a Portuguese NGDO Platform member it is represented both in Development Education Working Group and Working Group on Ethics. RS is a credited host and sending organization for European Voluntary Service projects since 2011.
Since the beginning RS is supported by the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ. It is also a member of the Plataforma das Entidades de Voluntariado Missionário (national network of Catholic institutions that promote international volunteering programs).
At the local level, RS is a member of Rede Social do concelho de Santa Maria da Feira. Local network of 115 organisations with social intervention programmes – following National Action Plan for Inclusion guidelines. Within this network RS has been awarded four times as recognition of its work in volunteering and supporting local communities’ development.

RS activities are developed according with four main areas: International Development Cooperation, Global Citizenship Education, Volunteering and Family-based Social Support.


Global Citizenship Education
Global Citizenship Education its’ a core work area as it seeks social transformation by promoting behaviour change, raising critical awareness and influencing the intervention itself within other areas of Rosto Solidário.

From 2010 to 2012 project Vamos Plantar a Mudança allowed this organization to engage a large school community working on global citizenship education within the Millennium Development Goals. Starting from ongoing Teacher Training trough out two school years around five hundred students attended non formal workshops which were facilitated by youth workers.

In these days RS is implementing project É de Género?. It aims are foster global citizenship awareness with youth groups and association’s trough non-formal education and training on gender equality. As the project was starting a group of young leaders attended a ToT on Development, Diversity and Gender Balance. After this training trough out a mentoring process these youngsters started working in there ones organizations on capacity building and mobilizing them to raise awareness in their communities. At the same time this leaders have been working with RS professionals in schools . They facilitating workshops on Gender Balance and Global Citizenship related themes.

Overall volunteering initiatives within RS aim for promoting civic participation and intercultural dialogue. Fostering solidarity and action on common wealth behalf. For that RS assumes volunteering work as a crosscutting area. Any of the work areas named above are supported by a strong team of volunteers.
RS experience in Volunteering and Global Citizenship Education, allows the organization to develop and implement youth education and training with different cultural backgrounds, and to foster a multicultural learning context.

International Development Cooperation
RS has been working in Angola since 2010. With the support of local partners RS has been implementing development programs on empowerment, gender equity and human rights awareness in Uíge and Luanda Provinces. Programme Centro Cultural de Santa Cruz is an ongoing programme on Information and Communication Technologies capacity building and training of the local team of professionals and volunteers working in this Centre.

Programme Empowerment das Mulheres da Ajuda Mútua no Bairro do Papelão – now closed – allowed women in vulnerable situation from Bairro do Papelão in vulnerable situations to improve their skills on Literacy, Management, Empowerment Health and Nutrition and to conceive their own income initiatives. Portuguese-speaking countries are a priority in what comes to International Development Cooperation within RS.

Family-based Social Support
The Family-based Social Support area aims to improve the living conditions of individuals / families towards social inclusion. Addressing the emergency of new social problems this working area is permanently adapting processes and working practices and also working by coordinating and collaborating with local social institutions. Through the social service office, psychology office and the resources centre RS promote social integration, participation and the strengthening of underprivileged individuals and families. Currently RS is promoting workshops on intercultural awareness and support to refugees welcomed in Santa Maria da Feira.

RS would like to host preferably young people from social backgrounds that are less privileged in economic or cultural terms and low of income backgrounds, with the following profile: positive attitude and sensitive to social work causes, sensitive to cultural differences, migrations, good communication skills and readiness to work with elderly people, children, youth and disadvantaged people. Ideally this volunteers will be tolerant, dynamic and good listeners and will enjoy working as and in a team.

The recruitment process begins with the dissemination of the EVS opportunities through press releases in local newspapers and in social media (website, facebook, mailinglist), as well as person to person contact. After that interested young people are invited to send their CV and motivation letter. RS makes the evaluation and selection of the more adjusted profiles to the project and invites them to individual interview and makes the final selection.

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