EVS w Hiszpanii to wspólna propozycja organizacji Amycos Organización No Gubernamental para la Cooperación Solidaria we współpracy z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego. Projekt został już zaakceptowany przez hiszpańską Narodową Agencję i otrzymał dofinansowanie. Zgłoszenia należy dokonać wysyłając CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim na adresy mailowy: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu oraz europa@amycos.org.
Wiadomość należy wysłać na oba maile jednocześnie!
W tytule wiadomości należy wpisać Burgos Solidaria 2017, FRSP. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane.
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 13 sierpnia 2017r.
Organizacja koordynująca i przyjmująca: Amycos Organización No Gubernamental para la Cooperación Solidaria
Miejsce: Burgos, Spain
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 13/08/2017
Rozpoczęcie wolontariatu: 06/09/2017
Zakończenie wolontariatu: 05/08/2018
Dostępne wolne miejsca: 1 wolontariusz
Propozycja EVS w pięknym mieście Burgos w Hiszpanii. Żywo interesujesz się sprawami solidarności i tolerancji? Ten projekt jest dla Ciebie. Dzięki organizacji AMYCOS będziesz mógł/mogła angażować się w działania pro-społeczne. Dodatkowo nauczysz się też pisać i realizować projekty unijne dzięki działaniom w biurze organizacji.
Context of the Project and Service Description
AMYCOS works in this town where it was founded. Although most of our work is focused on the South, AMYCOS carries out different actions in development education in Burgos. Collaborating as well with the reception and integration of immigrants, and cooperating with other NGOs and promoting volunteering.
EVS project will involve 3 volunteers coming from different countries (Poland, Greece, France). They will be inserted for 11 months, from the 6th of September 2017 until the 5th of August 2018, with AMYCOS, the city of Burgos. In detail, the volunteers will be working closely with AMYCOS’s staff and will have the opportunity to learn according with the methodology of the “learning by doing”. Actually, the project aims to involve a volunteer in each of the three main action areas and following activities.
The Development of Education and Awareness.
The volunteer in this area will be involved in the organization and implementation of several courses, workshops and events with the target to promote knowledge and solidarity values. He/She will be responsible for the preparation of equipment for participants, communicating with them and welcoming them on arrival, preparing classrooms and guided tours of the many exhibitions.
The volunteer will be directly involved in the “solidarity” workshops and in the daily organization of the centre called “Foro Solidario”. The main activities are aimed at pupils of Primary and Secondary Schools, as well as, groups of all ages belonging to associations or other groups of Burgos. Seek to contribute to the education of the students, through knowledge and the promotion of solidarity values, thus awakening attitudes of tolerance, respect and peaceful coexistence.
Social Action Area.
In this area, the volunteer will participate actively in carrying out a variety of daily activities to support the migrant population of Burgos. They are in more precarious situations, promoting their rights and contributing to their social, professional and cultural integration in the city and to enjoy a respectable life. AMYCOS, with his team of volunteers and in collaboration with other organizations of Burgos, carries out various activities in a several spheres. The volunteer will attend day by day the social dining service and the distribution of food and clothes bags. The second sphere is connected with the education and training, in this context the volunteer will attend the Primary and High school support for the sons and daughters of immigrants in the afternoon.
Immigrant’s leisure time. Basically the volunteer will actively promote the organization of events and social activities, such as “The Cafetín” served twice a day after Spanish classes, indoor soccer games, guided tours to nearby cities, celebrations, etc.
Administrative stuff and promotion of the local and international volunteering.
The volunteer in this area will be involved in the promotion, organization and realization of trade fairs and charity events, exhibitions and raffles promoted by AMYCOS. For planning and carrying out educational activities with children and in the preparation, participation and delivery of lectures about local and international volunteering opportunities.
Another important contribution of the volunteer will be to support the office. Project management, mailings, computer maintenance, photo file management, database management, etc.. Also warehouse management (organization of existing materials, installation and removal of exhibits and the warehouse maintenance).
The office activities, also, include tasks connected with the communication, such as writing articles for newspapers, magazines, newsletters, updating and improving our website, sending emails to disseminate initiatives and events. In this last area, the volunteer will have greater freedom to design and suggest new volunteering and co-operation projects, promoting their ideas and receiving a support by AMYCOS team.
Volunteer Profile and Recruitment Process
Regarding volunteers profiles, we think that the following characteristics can be useful both to implement the
project successfully, and to grant a satisfactory experience to the participants.
Interest in the project: Amycos aims to create social change and a fairer society through a joint work in different actions lines: education and awareness for people of the local community, create solidarity with the local immigrant population, and promoting voluntary international programs directed mainly to the younger population.
Therefore, it is important for volunteers to fully participate in the project, having the desire to contribute actively and agree to the objectives. Under these conditions, the experience can become an opportunity for professional and personal growth of the volunteer.
Experiences and competences: Considering the tasks that will be assigned, it’s preferable that volunteers have past experiences of work, either volunteer or paid, in a educational sector and should be sensitive and involved in social issue as immigration, cultural differences and poverty. In addition others useful skills are: a predisposition for public relations, data gathering, managing of websites and especially it will be appreciated Spanish basic skills.
Personality: During the project the volunteers will be in contact with the users of the activities executed by Amycos, so they should show, overall, adequate social and communicative skills, to let them work in a group, and in a multi cultural context.
Volunteers will be chosen on the basis of their Curriculum Vitae, Motivation Letter and a Skype interview. All the candidature (completed with CV and Motivation Letter) should be sent to:natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu and europa@amycos.org
Additional Informations:
Accommodation will be in charge to Amycos. Specifically, accommodation will be in the city of Burgos (in a single room or twin room) depending on the availability. Sharing of common spaces will be encouraged with other volunteers or other young Spanish people with the purpose to create a fun and supportive atmosphere; although at the same time the privacy of the volunteers will be respected .
the volunteer will receive monthly 155 € for the maintenance costs plus a pocket money of 120 €.
The volunteers will work for 34 hours for a week, including training sessions, monitoring and Spanish classes.
All have two consecutive days off per week (usually on Saturdays and Sundays), although these may change depending on the specific needs of each work area. At these days of rest they can add others two days off per month in according to their tutors.
For travel cost there is contribution based on the travel distance per participant from their place of origin to the venue of the activity and return (likely to be a maximum of 275 € for the volunteers from Poland.)