EVS w Albanii to wspólna propozycja organizacji Projekte Vullnetare Nderkombetare we współpracy z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego.
Zgłoszenia należy dokonać wysyłając CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim na adres mailowy: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu
Projekt pt. „Against marginalization” otrzymał dofinansowanie w Polskiej Narodowej Agencji
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 23 lipca 2017r.
Tym razem propozycja odbycia EVS w egzotycznej Albanii, która cieszy się coraz większą popularnością wśród obieranych kierunków wyjazdów. Jako wolontariusze będziecie mogli działać z lokalnymi dzieciakami, ucząc ich języka angielskiego, prowadząc warsztaty na temat dyskryminacji czy praw człowieka. Będziecie mieli okazję współpracować z Kulturalnym Centrum w Tiranie oraz organizować działania edukacyjne, integracyjne i rozrywkowe z osobami z mniejszymi szansami.
Coordinating and sending organisation: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Receiving organisation: Projekte Vullnetare Nderkombetare
Location: Tirana, Albania
Deadline: 23/07/2017
Start: 01/09/2017
End: 01/07/2018
Placements: 2 volunteers
Proposed activities:
The volunteers will be informed about their tasks before their arrival, and more concretely during the arrival training.
For each single activity they will be gained and supported by the supervision and experienced team of PVN.
The EVS volunteers will work 5 days a week, 5-6 hours a day. They will not be working during National Holidays and 2 days a month.
Some of the main planed tasks are:
– Organize information sections and English support for pupils in 7 Schools of Vaqarri and Ndroqi on NVC, discrimination and human rights issues. The working language in Albanian but there will be translation by local coordinator and volunteers.
The activities will be coordinated by the local coordinator and supported by EVS volunteers and around 10 local volunteers. All the team will be trained in advance how to work in the schools and what methodology to use. PVN has prepared a manual for activities in the schools as guidance about the topics and methods, anyway EVS volunteers could add any thing they feel is productive. Every week the team has joint preparation and twice a month the team has meeting and support by the supervisor.
– Promote and support the Cultural and Artistic Center in Tirana where young people come and practice artistic and cultural skills, the volunteers will help them to inform about the services and guide them how to use the services of the center.
EVS will help inter-cultural and social activities such as inter cultural events, movies, shows etc. They will present their culture, also will have contacts of other EVS in Tirana and organize common intrecultural events in the center. There is space for creativity, making up-cycling, involving students of the schools etc. EVS volunteers will be supported by the coordinator of the center and around 3 local volunteers in charge of it.
– Organize education, integration and entertainment activities with people with fewer opportunities ( roma and egyptians), people with sensory, physical and mental disabilities:
*Minorities and Refugees: Volunteers will organize integration and entertainment activities with Roma and Egyptians kid and young people: workshops on the human rights, social inclusion, playing games together, exchanging experiences, informing them about involvement in voluntary activities etc.
* Disability: Volunteers will work with sensory and moving impairments, and they will plan of the work with some intellectual disabilities ( kids and youth). – learning by doing activities, playing theater, having a walk, watching any video, doing handcraft, recycling helping their daily needs ( orientations, clothing ).
– Promoter of EVS and voluntary activities, volunteering values , at Universities of Tirana by visiting each university once a week by open discussions and delivering informative materials
– Placement for incoming and outgoing in international workcamps and administrative issues
– Prepare promotional materials and trainings: promotional package, posters, leaflets, flayers, press release etc.
– Organize local community awareness raising actions in city of Tirana, in Vaqarri and Ndroqi villages:
*oganizing cleaning sessions (as cleaning the city, cleaning forests, etc.)
* local street campaigns to raise public awareness and responsibility on environmental problems.
*Workshop about reuse and recycling
– Teaching languages, mostly local inhabitants (the classes willbe open for youngsters and adults) to rise their chances to find a job
The EVS volunteers will not be limited only of activities mentioned above, they can help in other activities or administrative issues in the office. Can take part in work camp preparation and assisting placement officer during work camps. Also EVS volunteers will have space and encouraged to bring ideas, activities on social, cultural and environment fields.
Activities that volunteers could create:
– New topics and methods with elementary and high schools
– Collect artistic works and design for publishing
– Collect pictures and videos in each school
– Contact new partners and designing projects, initiatives, actions etc
Furthermore, PVN welcomes any further initiative brought and undertaken by volunteers themselves. We are open to implement projects together with volunteers as well as follow up their ideas. In terms of learning opportunities, the volunteers have the opportunity gain practical skills on non formal education tools, practice communication and presentation skills, gain more experience while working with kids, teenagers, people with fewer opportunities and disabilities. Will increase level of information on human rights, diversity, discrimination, voluntarism and non violent communication.
The volunteers will practice how to lead an work shop for young people etc. Working in the diverse team increase their intercultural dialogue skills, have opportunity to learn how to manage the crises, will increase motivation, self confidence, will get to know the Albanian culture and the problems is facing today.
The volunteers will have task-related training by PVN team before going to each activity . The local volunteers will be helping out EVS during whole their stay. They will practice the methodologies how to work with pupils in the schools, how to communicate with them, how to keep the confidentiality and the school ethic.
Volunteers profile
The position will suit those young people who are interested in volunteering in and learning skills and building competencies in the following areas:
– Human rights issues, voluntarism, non-violent communication
– Animation skills to organize activities with children and young people in the local community and local school
– Promotion and communication
– Learning about new cultures and intercultural exchange and dialogue, non-formal learning
– Coordination and communication skills
We are open for candidates:
– Age above 25
– Some voluntary experiences or work experience ( preferable social issues and kids, but not limited)
– Good understanding of English
Description of the Receiving Organization:
Projekte Vullnetare Nderkombetare ( International Voluntary Projects) (PVN) is a non profit organization founded in 2005. It is an organization that promotes peace through voluntary work and exchanges volunteers all over the world. It is part of the Service Civil International (SCI) network and shares the same aims and values: living and working together with the people of different backgrounds helps volunteers to break down the barriers and prejudices.
The aim of PVN is to develop youth mobility and promote diversity through intrecultural exchange. The key objectives of PVN are :
– Exchange activities between participants from all over the world such as: international workcamps, trainings in Albania and abroad, youth exchange, street action, short & long term youth projects , seminars, workshops (non formal learning projects on Human Rights, Non violent communication, voluntary work, etc.
– National and international long term projects with young people, categories in need and environmental issues. We work a lot we schools and local community in Albania in the most relevant topics such as human rights, non violent communication, inter-cultural exchanges, discrimination, conflict resolution etc.
– EVS and Long Term Voluntary services, sent and host young people every year
– Local or community actions, community based activities for supporting categories in need and environmental issues.
Our main target groups are young people who want to increase their capacities, take part in trainings, youth exchanges, make internships etc.
– Young people
– Categories in need such as young people with disabilities and fewer opportunities, we organize with them self development activities, support for daily care, information sections for them and their relatives etc.
– Students and teachers of the elementary and highs schools, as well as universities
Practical Arrangements:
Accomomdation and Public Transport:
there will be in rented apartment,where every body will have his/her own room.The apartment will be furniture and with proper living conditions such as the bed with needed items(sheets,blanket,pillow etc),there will be a furniture kitchen with all items for cooking,electronic items,the functional toilet with shower and washing machine, 24 hours water and electricity.
The apartment will have a common space for volunteers with TV,24 hours internet connection.The volunteers will have as well an Albanian number phone.The apartment will be nearby city center,max 15 min by public transport.The area is between the office and the schools where they will most visit.The are has public transport every 10 minutes,there are around 3 buss lines.The local community, the projects target group is one of the central quarter of Tirana.The main project activities will take place in the local community 20 min far from the city centre.The distance between the office and the target quarter is about 20 minutes by foot,they will be provided with public transport tickets
Food,Pocket Money:
The volunteers will cook by themselves in the house, everywhere there are market place and small shops to buy food and items to cook.The payment for food is 100 EUR per month and 55 EUR pocket money, in total is 155 EUR per month.
Awareness of issues relating to the residence permit and other administrative issues will be in collaboration with PVN team and his/her mentor.They do not need visa to enter Albania, they can stay there for 90 days. The application for resident permit should be done in Albania
Albanian language course:
the volunteers will be required to attend at Albanian language course provided by PVN members who are capable to do it,especially those who have been studying foreign or Albanian language.PVN will offer this opportunity during whole stay of volunteers in case they are interested. The language courses may be 2times per week and least approximately 60 minutes each section.