Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i Associação Académica da UMa poszukują wolontariuszy na projekt EVS w Portugalii, na Maderze. Projekt EVS “Historical and Cultural actions in the Madeira” został zaakceptowany już do dofinansowania przez Polską Narodową Agencję i na pewno będzie realizowany.
Zgłoszenia (CV, list motywacyjny oraz specjalny formularz aplikacyjny: application-form-aauma w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 11 maja 2017
Mamy dla Was propozycję projektu kulturalnego. Stając się wolontariuszem EVS w organizacji Associação Académica da UMa otrzymujecie niezbędne przeszkolenie a następnie jesteście przewodnikami turystycznymi. Oprowadzacie zwiedzających po historycznym Kolegium Jezuickim czy pośród zabytkowych budynków Funchal w ramach “Historical and Cultural actions in the Madeira” zaznajamiając ich z historią miasta jak i opowiadając ciekawostki o odwiedzanych miejscach. Ponadto wolontariusz będzie wsparciem w biurze AAUMa. Istnieje również możliwość prowadzenia działań z dzieciakami i studentami. Więcej szczegółów poniżej.
Jeżeli jeszcze się zastanawiacie czy wziąć udział w tym projekcie zachęcamy aby zapoznaliście się z relacjami naszych byłych wolontariuszy, którzy byli tam i widzieli wszystko na własne oczy. Do tej pory Bona Fides miało okazję wysłać do AAUMA 18 polskich wolontariuszy.
Relacja Elwiry
Relacja Justyny i Bogusi
Relacja Kasi i Krzyśka
Relacja Damiana
Receiving Organization:Associação Académica da UMa
Vacancies: 2 placements
Activitiy dates of Volunteers: 6th of July 2017 till 8th of May 2018
Duration of Activity: 10 months
Project title: Historical and Cultural actions in the Madeira
Place: Funchal, Madera Island, Portugal
Deadline: 11th of May 2017
Proposed activities:
In”Historical and Cultural actions in the Madeira”project taking part two partners:Associação Académica da Universidade da Madeira from Portugal and Bona Fides Association from Poland.The project will engage 2 volunteers from Poland,whose voluntary service will last 10 months-preferable from 06.07.2017 till 08.05.2018 in Funchal,in Madeira Island,Portugal.The Student Union of University of Madeira develops annually several projects.The EVS volunteers role is supporting this project for AAUMa considering the differente addresse groups:kids,youngsters,adults and elderly.The projects in which volunteers are encouraged to participate and support are:
-Blandy’s Wine Lodge: It is an important landmark of the city. Here, the guide will learn about the history of Madeira Wine, and its importance to Madeira and Portugal, and will be able to present to the visitors the history and importance of this worldwide known product. The role of volunteers is research, preparation and execution of guided tours, to visitors as well as to students, through educational component;
-History Tellers: walk with real stories. This activity tries to present the Funchal of the past and the present day city. In this unique experience, volunteers will teach local people and visitors about the history of Funchal, among real streets and buildings. Volunteers will follow and support all the historical research which are essential to support and develop the project. It will allow to take several stories out of the paper in the form of real stories and create a metaphysical tie between the Funchal of the past and the present;
-Jesuits College of Funchal and the Church of St. John the Evangelist: These activities involve support in daily guided tours to areas of the College, supporting the conservation of the building, Interaction with foreign visitors, organization of musical events. Through such guided tours,the volunteers promote educational visits for all the schools in Madeira.These educational visits allow children to get to know Jesuits’ College of Funchal and learn about its history.Volunteers will accompanying and preparing the visits together with school teachers and helping to prepare their lectures. The educational visits are promoted to all schools in the region.
-Regional Parliament of Madeira: The building which today is the actual Regional Parliament of Madeira was, in its genesis, the first customs office of Madeira, dating back to 1477. It has a great importance in several areas, namely History and, especially, Architecture, due to the several details present in all of its elements. The volunteers will learn about its History and pass on that knowledge through guided tours, making an impact on both the visitors and on the local community;
-Also, in the future, the volunteers will help to implement a new guided tour to Monastery of Santa Clara.
-Volunteers will also take part in the social line of action in the University,collaborating in several tasks at the Residence and in the Social Services facilities.With these tasks,not only will volunteers receive professional experience,they will also be able to contribute to help the students of the University with economical difficulties.
The visitors will also complement the activities above with promotion of these and of other activities developed by AAUMa, with special focus on the Social Programs that help the students of the University of Madeira with economical difficulties (more information on and also basic schools of Madeira that have an urgent need for books, school supplies and other useful materials through the UMajuda project.
Throughout the project, volunteers are involved in all the stages of the preparation of every action, accompanied by a multidisciplinary team that includes staff-members from areas such as history, culture, communication, or design. They will participate from the idealization until he moment of the acquisition of the service by the visitors, in which they take part through their collaboration in AAUMa’s commercial locations, which will enable them to improve their digital and mathematical competences.
Also, the volunteers will take part in the planning and organization of lectures to promote Erasmus+ and EVS programs within the local youth community. This is very important because Madeira is considered an ultra-peripherical region, which means that the local community of Madeira suffers from geographical difficulties. Thus, Erasmus+ and EVS are essential to give these youngsters opportunities to develop skills and competences, as well as to learn a foreign language, and the promotion of these mobility programs is very important, so the collaboration of the volunteers is expected to have a huge impact on the local community.
The working methods used will be always non formal education. Volunteer will be directly involved in planned activities in its different stages (preparation, development, monitoring and implementation).
Volunteers profile:
Whereas the purpose of the project is to find volunteers in the interest and motivation to develop the proposed activities and tasks. The dynamism and creativity are also very imporant characteristics in order to suggest , plan and develop activities with various audiences.
The flexibility , positivity and willingness of volunteers to carry out tasks of all kinds of innovative ways.
They hoped to find volunteers in a spirit of adaptation and flexibility , and the willingness to live in an ultra- peripheral region available to learn a new language and to comparir their knowledge , culture and customs . The estudiasmo and motivation are also required to participate in projects and undertake new ones.
It’s welcome that the candidates have some relation to cultural studies or history studies. It is good if they already have some experiance in guiding tours.
The projects carried out by the Union of Students of the University of Madeira are open to volunteers of both sexes between 17 and 30 years old