EVS w Wielkiej Brytanii to wspólna propozycja organizacji North Down YMCA we współpracy z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego.
Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres mailowy natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu oraz na mhegarty@brysongroup.org (zgłoszenie należy wysłać na oba adresy mailowe).
W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisać: 12 month “Harbour” placement in North Down YMCA, starting September 2017. Aplikacje nie zawierające takiego tematu wiadomości nie będą rozpatrywane.
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 2 sierpnia 2017r.
W treści wiadomości mailowej prosimy dodać:
Sending organization: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Acronym: FRSP
Adress: Warszawska 6, 311 room, 40-006 Katowice, Silesia region, POLAND
PIC: 934141623
Accreditation number: 2015-1-PL01-KA110-014455
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska
Celem projektu będzie działalność ukierunkowana na pracę z młodzieżą oraz dziećmi. Działania będą odbywać się w szkołach i miejscach spotkań młodzieży z całego miasta. Wolontariusz będzie miał możliwość nawiązania kontaktów międzynarodowych oraz pomocy przy realizowaniu projektów. Wolontariusz powinien posługiwać się językiem angielskim w stopniu komunikatywnym.
Contact person: Mary Hegarty
Coordinating organisation: Bryson Charitable Group
Receiving Organizacion: North Down YMCA
Location: United Kingdom, Bangor (North Ireland)
Deadline: 02/08/2017
Start/End: From: 01/09/2017 To: 31/08/2018
Volunteer’s Tasks
We are seeking an enthusiastic Polish volunteer to support:
– Youth work programmes, both centre-based & outreach work. Also, targeted programmes providing support for young people to address issues of employability, health, inclusion & community relations.
– Afterschools activities for 4-11 year olds, helping staff with organising and running the activities, supporting children with homework and with leisure activities.
– Community programmes, such as the Harbour Renewal Project & BME Advocacy work, providing information & support to those people living in the Harbour Ward of Bangor with a particular focus on young people, families & senior citizens.
– Crèche support, working with children from 0-4 years old
We ask volunteers to help with the delivery of all aspects of the programme; such as planning, preparation, leading & developing programmes to people of all different ages and abilities.
Accommodation, food and transport arrangements
Accommodation will be in a shared house or flat with two other volunteers and each volunteer will have their own bedroom.
The volunteer will be provided with a bike. Past volunteers have enjoyed the opportunity to cycle along the coast path which starts in Bangor.
Volunteers will receive pocket money plus money for food and have a kitchen in the accommodation where they can prepare their own meals.
Training during the opportunity
Volunteers will be registered onto the OLS system to help them improve their English language skills.
They will also receive relevant on the job training on aspects such as working with young people and local communities and working with children. They will be given a general EVS induction and orientation at the beginning of their placements and will be trained in relevant policies and procedures of the organisation (child protection, health and safety etc).
Volunteers will attend EVS On Arrival Training and Mid-Term Evaluation.
Volunteer profile
We are looking for an enthusiastic volunteer who is keen to develop their skills and learn more about people from different countries.
We wish to find a Polish volunteer who is interested in supporting the BME community in & around Bangor. The volunteer should also be interested in working with children & young people and ideally have experience in this already. Volunteers should be confident in their English or able to improve their level quickly, since direct communication with the young people & children is an essential & major part of the volunteer role.
How to Apply
Please email mhegarty@brysongroup.org and natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu the following:
– full CV
– full motivation letter which is specific to the project
– please state in the covering email that you are applying for the 12 month “Harbour” placement in North Down YMCA, starting September 2017
Additional information
North Down YMCA is based in the seaside town of Bangor, Northern Ireland & is a community based organisation with an ethos of care & compassion.. For us, that’s what the ‘C’ in YMCA stands for…
We ask our Volunteers to be a part of our staff team and contribute their time, skills, ideas to help further develop our programmes.
North Down YMCA’s vision:
We envision a community where young people can reach their full physical, mental and spiritual potential, a community where adults support young people and young people are accepted as equal citizens.
North Down YMCA’s mission:
As an innovative Christian Youth Work Association to provide quality programmes which promote personal and social development and to promote Christian faith through personal relationships and social action in a cross community context.
Regular Activities:
Youth Activities:
Drop in facilities throughout the week in the YMCA building where young people can use the internet, relax and chat to friends, play pool/table tennis/air hockey, do their homework, perform with the house band, help with the monthly YMCA magazine, get relevant health & lifestyle information.
Clubs held on 5 evenings per week in the YMCA building (1 specifically for children from minority backgrounds and other clubs covering the age groups 7-11, 11-14, 14-17, 17-25 and 12+) where young people can again take part in the above and where there are occasional visits to outside activity centres such as swimming pools, ice skating, football. We also provide summer activity schemes, residential trips and trainee leader opportunities to young people.
Detached work with disadvantaged young people (12 – 18years old) in the designated areas of deprivation in & around Bangor. This involves engaging and interacting with young people in their own environment and encouraging them to participate in youth activities in their community.
Support Activities:
Offering support to young adults that will help them work towards independence and build confidence and self esteem. Offering help with living and home-making skills.
Providing training programmes for independent living in partnership with various voluntary and statutory bodies, trusts and businesses.
Family Activities :
Working with parents & children living within Bangor’s areas of deprivation. Encouraging parents and children to work and play together as a unit and to become active within their community. Provision of after schools clubs, weekend residentials, educational & fun day trips.
Support for BME Communities:
The Harbour Ward Project provides information, support and contact opportunities for BME workers and families, senior citizens and young men aged 18+ living within the Harbour Ward area of Bangor