EVS w Rumunii to wspólna propozycja organizacji Curba de Cultura we współpracy z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego.
Zgłoszenia należy dokonać wysyłając CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim na adres mailowy: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu
Projekt pt. „Active Youth in Rural Settings” otrzymał dofinansowanie w Polskiej Narodowej Agencji i na pewno zostanie zrealizowany
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 23 lipca 2017r.
Coordinating and sending organisation: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Receiving organisation: Curba de Cultura
Location: Prahova, Romania
Deadline: 23/07/2017
Start: 01/04/2017
End: 01/12/2017
Placements: 2 volunteers
Propozycja pracy w centrum młodzieżowym w Rumunii, na pewno rozwinie Waszą kreatywność.
Będziecie mieli też okazję podziwiać największą kopalnię soli w Europie, odpowiednik naszej Wieliczki tylko na duużo większą skalę
Curba de Cultură, a Romanian NGO accredited for hosting, sending and coordinating EVS projects. They are working in rural part of Romania for over four years now, on providing opportunities for personal and professional development for youngsters in rural areas. They are doing this through EU funded projects as well as through projects funded through other donors. But the biggest impact so far was brought by EVS volunteers so they decided in investing more in this kind of projects.
The activities the volunteers will organize and take part in are:
1. Promoting nonformal learning and volunteering in the extended community.This will be done in local school in the community through energizers,icebreakers,teambuilding games simulation games and workshops during small events or during different holidays(Education Day,Halloween,Volunteers Day,Christmas,Child’s Day etc).
2. Non-formal learning activities with young people and children in the school during English language classes.
Previous projects showed us that children and youngsters feel much more motivated to learn and speak English or any other foreign language when they see its utility and when the process is done in a less theoretical manner. Once a week for each school the volunteers will attend the foreign languages classes and play learning games in order to improve the learning process. The teacher and the volunteers will always discuss beforehand about the topic and the methods to be used. Doing this activity the volunteer will get ore confident in working with children and youngsters, in socializing and in developing social skills and facilitation skills
3.Nonformal learning activities with young people aged 15-19 within the Youth Centre.
The volunteers (EVS and local)will design and implement short activities or workshops for young people attending the youth centre.They will facilitate board games and competitions,treasure hunt, social animation,group discussions and English Speaking meetings
4.Organizing cinema nights in the community and the surrounding villages.
A team made of EVS volunteers and local volunteers will be in charge of organizing cinema nights for the community.The previous project showed us that cinema nights are more than welcomed due to the fact that the nearest cinema is at more 50 km away.The attendance for the previous cinema nights varied but it was always over 20 people and reaching even 100 spectators.The team in charge of cinema nights will take care of the logistics and will take part in short discussions after the movie.The films will always be chosen to have a strong community theme aiming at sensibilisation of the local population towards their own issues.
5.Managing the library within the youth centre.
This is entirely designed to be managed by young people for young people.This way the EVS volunteers can take part together with the local volunteers in managing the library. They will act as librarians, they will register books,register new readers,lend books and send out e-mail to late customers.Special events will be organized as Human Library, or World Cafe
6.Documenting activities and reporting.
Also the volunteers will be encouraged to write blog post and articles for Curba de Cultura web page in order to share their experience and to encourage other youngsters to take the same challenges.This will also be an important part of the project for raising awareness regarding the European Opportunities offered to young people.
More general the tasks will be:
– promoting non-formal learning and volunteering in the community
– non-formal learning activities with children during the summer
– non-formal learning activities with young people aged 15-20 within the youth centre
– organizing hiking trips to the nearby mountains under the supervision of the volunteer coordinator
– organizing cultural events including country presentations, traditional dances and music etc
– managing the library within the youth centre
– organizing language courses (English, French, German etc)
– organizing workshops and activities for youngsters and even for adults
– documenting the activities and reporting
– writing articles and blog posts in order to promote volunteering, EVS and Erasmus+ Programme
The volunteers can be involved in all the activities mentioned above or even more such as:
– Juggling club
– Human Rights Education
– Personal Development sessions and seminars
– Arts workshops and training courses
These activities will help the volunteers firstly to observe and to realize which are their interests and to get at least a glimpse of what life path they want to follow in the future. Secondly, by attending and implementing the activities mentioned above they can develop competencies in areas like communication and interpersonal relations, basic science and technologies, social and culture, management and entrepreneurship.
With the time the range of activities can increase together with the development of the organization and with the involvement of the local community and due to positive results of the volunteers’ work.
If you want to know more – check our videos
Volunteer profile
We are searching for young and open minded volunteers. Volunteers should be motivated, responsible, and ready to learn and to work in a team. We are looking for volunteers who like to work with people from young generation: kids, youth, students
We are interested in people who are enthusiastic, creative, communicative, open-minded, socially sensitive and supporting the idea of tolerance, respect and cooperation between cultures, willing to share their experience and knowledge with the others and willing to turn their ideas into action as one of the aim of receiving organization is to create space for the personal development of the youngster creating space and opportunity to express themselves and their will.
Necessary requirement will be major age (18-30, according to Erasmus+ rules), while no minimum level of language is required. We think that EVS is a perfect tool and chance to learn a new language, altough a basic level of english is recommended.
Practical Arrangements
Long stay permits
There is no need of visa for EU citizens coming to Romania.As soon as the volunteers are selected Curba de Cultura will start the procedures for obtaining the permits. They will be registered at the Romanian Immigration Office and at local police.
Also Romanian volunteering contracts will be signed with the volunteers.
The volunteers will be accomodated in a traditional house in the community. The accommodation which will be used is the one used for the current projects. It is also the one which the representatives of the Romanian NA visited and agreed with.The house offers decent and clean conditions within the standards of the community and according to the EVS Charter.The volunteers will share bedrooms,2 people in a room but they will also have a common space in the house.The house is equiped with all the needed house appliances (washing machine,refrigerator,cooker,vacuum cleaner).The heating sistem is based on fire with wood,in masonry stoves.Each room has its own stove.The hot water comes from an electric boiler.
Food and Pocket money
At the beginning,for the first week they will receive support for shopping and for the monthly budget.During the entire project the volunteers will receive money for food monthly in order to buy it for their own and this will help them to integrate in the community,because most of the shopping can be done at local grocery stores.The amount provided is 100 EUR per month, in RON via bank transfer.
Amount provided by EC to Pocket money is in amount of 60 EUR per month, paid in RON via bank transfer.
Local transportation
the volunteers will be provided with monthly bus subscriptions.There are 6 busses a day between the accomodation place and the main village of the commune and over 15 busses per day between the main village and the nearest town.
Language support
It will be provided by a Romanian language teacher familiar with non-formal methodology,twice a week for the beginning of the project.