EVS w Portugalii to zaakceptowany do realizacji wspólny projekt Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego oraz portugalskiej organizacji Aventura Marão Clube.
Projekt pt. “Healthy lifestyle among all generations” realizowany będzie już od lutego/marca 2017 w miejscowości Amarante, ponieważ otrzymał dofinansowanie z Polskiej Narodowej Agencji. Zgłoszenia należy dokonać wysyłając CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim na adres mailowy: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 5 marca 2017r.
Coordinating and sending organisation: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Receiving organisation: Aventura Marão Clube
Location: Amarante, Portugal
Deadline: 05/03/2017
Start: 01/04/2017
End: 01/05/2018
Placements: 3 volunteers
The EVS Activity will be hold in Amarante, a small / medium city of the North of Portugal, located just 60km far from Porto. It is a quiet and safe city with high standards of quality of life. The working and living places are both very well located in the city centre of Amarante.
Accommodation will be in an apartment (T3) or house (T5) both in Amarante’s city center and nearby our youth centre where usually we host our EVS volunteers. These places are well equipped with rooms, bathrooms and kitchen (laundry is for free in the youth centre). In some cases volunteers might have to share rooms – double rooms. Volunteers are allowed to have guests for free (accommodation) in a good sense basis and after agreement from Coordinating Organization.
Food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) will be given from Monday to Saturday (6 days per week) by our organization at the youth centre (Casa da Juventude de Amarante, where usually we serve meals to our EVS volunteers (we run a restaurant there). Food is vegetarian (including also eggs, milk, seitan, tofu, mushrooms, etc.). Besides that we will give 35€/month to each volunteer to organize own meals on Sundays (we pay according to invoices given by the volunteers). If around, volunteer’s guests should pay their own meals from Monday to Saturday. Volunteers also receive 100€ of pocket money, per month.
Proposed activities:
The volunteers tasks is going to be the preparation of cultural,leisure and recreational activities for the users of the AMC centers.The project foresees different activities,a lot of them set in the youth field and in youth policies,but not only.RO works in partnership with several organisations from the community:schools,orphanage,Senior daily centres,institutions for people with disabilities,where the volunteer will colaborate directly with the target groups of the partner organisations.
Volunteers will work 35h during 5 days per week.Volunteers will have 2 days off per week and 2 holodays per month. AMC usually offers extra week of holidays for EVS volunteers during 1 year of EVS project.
1.PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE COURSE/2 hours (all the volunteers attend the lesson and are going be divided ,if possible in beginners and advanced)
-GARDEN-The volunteers are going to take care of a berry cultivation area as well as they are going to plant vegetables and fruits that will be usedin bio-fair market and vegetarian restaurant.The volunteers will take care of the garden and they are going,with the support of the organic farmers,do tasks such us plating,watering,cleaning the area etc.
-LOCAL PRODUCERS-The volunteers are going to support to the organic farmers of the region of Amarante.There are now 3 organic producers cooperating with AMC(1 biodynamic farm,1 organic farm and 1permaculture farm).In the farms,the EVS volunteers in general have task such us:support the picking up of vegetables,producing organic apple juice,honey etc. With the organic farmers,they learn a lot about organic agriculture and healthy life style and in exchange the farmers have support in their farms.
-LOCAL AND ORGANIC MARKET-The Bio fair Market is part of our project in frame of healthylifestyle promotion.EVSers sell the organic and fair product of the organic farmers and Casa da Juventude, but also promote what Fair trade and Healthy life style is.
-Support leisure activities for kids and youths like theater activities,language classes,dance classes,sport activities(canoeing, cycling, mountain trekking etc)
-SUPPORT TO AMC’S COMMUNICATION TEAM-the EVSers are going to edit video,promoting the cultural agenda and events of CJ throught video,post on facebook,istangram,etc.They will promote their activities,EVS project as well as whole Erasmus+ Programme.
-SUPPORT TO AMC’S PROJECT TEAM-The volunteers are called to be part of the implementation of some local and international projects that run in CJ.This is a great opportunity for them to learn by doing about Non formal education and all the aspect related with the projects
-the volunteers have also time to think about something that they can do for the locals f.eg meditation or Circo workshop and Zumba. These activities are part of the cultural agenda in Casa da Juventude and are free for the locals.There will be predicted time to personal development of project.
4.SUPPORT TO PRIMARY SCHOOL-NFE activities in various schools and kindergartens of Amarante.Volunteers support the free time activities:gym,chatting with people,live music,countries presentation,etc.They can also make their own activities.They give support to the teacher inside classes,helping the children to do exercises,specially those with special needs as well as promote creative workshops like painting,singing,dancing,theatre,sports,etc.
5.SUPPORT TO ORPHANAGE-Terra dos Homens is a local social partner and here the volunteers organize in general 2 times for week activities.Through this activity iur EVS volunteers are going to reach out young people with fewer opportunities.They are going to organize playful activities with the kids to help them in growing up in a friendly atmosphere.
-Santa Casa da Misericordia & LAR DO IDOSOS DE CEPELOS are an elderly centres where the volunteers support the free time activities:gym,chatting with people,live music,play table games,gym,countries presentation,handcraft workhops,etc.
7. SENIOR UNIVERSITY – support classe f.eg English language or ITC course,guitar lessons,etc).Volunteers are going to stimulate seniors to be active.They will create a healthy environment and open the horizons.
8. SUPPORT TO DISABLE NGO- CERCIMARANTE is the disable centre where the volunteers support the free time activities: gym, chatting with people,live music,countries presentation,etc. They can also make their own activities (f.eglanguages courses, Zumba, etc.)
The project aims:
Through our project we would like to support:
a)Promote active longevity,combat loneliness and social exclusion of the elderly and youth/kids with differente backgrounds (f.eg.orphanage children)by recreational and educational activities for the populations(IT,literacy,language,current issues,etc.)& by creation a program of different activities:painting,decorative arts,tapestry,philosophy, languages,creative writing,computers, photography,music,instruments,singing,dances,theatre ,meditation,yoga,pilates among others.
b)healthy lifestyles(nutrition and sport)where in the activities provided by the volunteers engaged will be elderly people,kids and youths as well as we predict also cooperation with disabled people
b)Initiative and creativity,intercultural dialogue
c)promote the integration of young people into active life by creation a variety range of courses for youth(techniques, languages, entrepreneurship, information technology).Through the activities in Orphange Center EVS volunteers are going to reach out young people with fewer opportunities- orphans,abandoned children.
c)sustainable development(in the areas of organic production,local consumption and fair trade)-In frame of our project volunteers will be engaged in AMC activities to ensure the sale of Fair Trade products in Amarante and develop training in schools and visits to promote the principles of Fair Trade.Volunteers tasks together hand in hand with workers will be to introduce this culture to othe Amarante commmunity as well as at the regional.The EVS volunteers with AMC workers and local volunteers are going to built Amarante’s first biodynamic garden and will continue to spread the word about the benefits of eating and growing localy. The Fair Trade movement is well known at the european level, so thorough those activities will promote also european values.
Volunteer profile
We are searching for young and open minded volunteers with good communication skills and good English skills. Volunteers should be motivated, responsible, and ready to learn and to work in a team. We are looking for volunteers who like to work with people from different generations: kids, youth, students, elderly people as well as NGOs working with disable people.
We are interested in people who are enthusiastic, creative, communicative, open-minded, socially sensitive and supporting the idea of tolerance, respect and cooperation between cultures, willing to share their experience and knowledge with the others and willing to turn their ideas into action as one of the aim of receiving organization is to create space for the personal development of the youngster creating space and opportunity to express themselves and their will.
Necessary requirement will be major age (18-30, according to Erasmus+ rules), while no minimum level of language is required. We think that EVS is a perfect tool and chance to learn a new language, altough a basic level of english is recommended.