Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES oraz hiszpańska organizacja LLeure Actiu Organization poszukują osoby chętne na wyjazd na EVS do Pollensa, na Majorce. Projekt “Improving Pollensa Youth Area’’ został zaakceptowany do dofinansowania i realizacji przez Hiszpańską Narodową Agencję.
Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w j. angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres mailowy W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisać: “Improving Pollensa Youth Area”. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane.
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 23 lipca 2017r.
Do zgłoszeń prosimy dodawać poniższą informację:
Sending association:
Bona Fides Association (Stowarzyszenie Aktywności Obywatelskiej Bona Fides)
Acronym: SAO Bona Fides
ul. Warszawska 19
40-009 Katowice
PIC: 947802812
EI referance number: 2013-PL-100
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska
My sending organization may be also coordinating organization and apply with project to Polish National Agency for the nearest deadline.
Contact person: Pere Mercer Cerda
Receiving and coordinating organisation: LLeure Actiu Organization
Location: Pollensa, Majorka
Deadline: 23/07/ 2017
Start/End: 01/10/2017 – 01/10/2018
Proponujemy Wam współpracę z hiszpańską organizacją LLeure Actiu Organization, na pięknej wyspie Majorce. Podczas swojego wolontariatu działać będziecie w biurze organizacji oraz z lokalną młodzieżą.
Lleure Actiu is a non-profit organization whose main objective is to promote actively a healthy managing of the teenagers’ leisure time. The body was founded in 2006 and it was constituted lawful in 2009. Its founders are trained in the formal education sphere -most of them being teachers- and at the same time they also possess an extensive experience in the non-formal education field.
Lleure Actiu is the culmination of the hard work in the non-formal education field. It seeks to create an organization with self-legal capacity to put into effect intervention programs in socio-educational, socio-cultural, sport and all the areas related to teenagers. We follow a methodology is based on educational values.
Lleure Actiu works cooperatively with the Council of Pollença or on its own. At the moment, we are running activities collaborating with the Youth and the Education Area of the Council.
LLeure Actiu carries out leisure activities programmes for youth in the weekends and in the holidays. Also we are doing a programme of non-formal educational activities all the afternoons from 17.00h until 20.00h for the kids and youth from 6 years old until 16 years old with fewer possibilities.
Another field where the volunteer will cooperate is in the youth office where we give information to the Youngers as well as some language course and orientation about their studies and professional option.
We also have started a course of leisure activities and the voluntary can help us to introduce some games and ideas about their experience.
We manage a group of local volunteer and we want to introduce our volunteer with the locals volunteer to participate in some activities that they plan.
We want to promote the EVS in the town, at the moment we are doing some visits to the Secondary school and we make some events to promote the programme like info tables in the square in the party time, visits to the local radio, meetings. The volunteer can explain and encourage the local people to participate like him/her.
Our window to the people is Internet and we manage some profiles in the social media net, where the volunteer can help.
We are always thinking and working in new projects like Erasmus+ Key action 1, Key action 2, local projects, where the volunteer can help and let us know their vision and their experience.
Lleure Actiu carries out its projects in the Youth Area of the Council of Pollença. A volunteering program which offers the youngsters the opportunity to participate in. Different cooperation projects have been started. The activities of the project are aimed to be covered both in regional and the European spheres.
This project is part of a wider programme in which several actions such as intergenerational cooperation, protection of the environment, promotion of a healthy and active life and raising awareness of a global and united world have been taken. Our concern is to encourage a European awareness among the youngsters.
Pollença as a village and Majorca as an island are the settlement of international holidays destinations. The population of Pollença was 16,200 in 2013. This project leads to offer a European vision to the young population in order to change first-hand the way they see the world.
One of the town’s most distinctive features is the 365-step stairway north of the square; this leads up to a chapel on top of the hill known as Calvary. On Good Friday this is the setting for the most dramatic parade of the year. First, on the road winding up the back of the hill, there is an enactment of the Stations of the Cross. This is followed by a mock crucifixion on top of the hill after which the figure of Christ is ceremonially removed from the Cross. There is a sombre, torchlight parading of the body of Christ through the town it is led by hundreds people in cloaks, masks and pointed hats and done in total silence save for the slow beating of a drum.
The main economic industry is the tourism, there is two seasons: from April until October which is the high season when all the bars and business are opened, and the low
Season from November until March, when all is closed and only remain in the village the local people and some Europeans mainly from United Kingdom and Germany, who have moved to live here all year.
Our young people are used to be visited by people from abroad, being most of these European citizens.
This project is for one volunteer.
We are looking for young people who want to be involved in programmes to work with children and Youngers from 6 to 18 years old, doing activities in the non-formal education. Also we are looking for a volunteer who want to live in a village as Pollensa, where you can find a quiet ambient and isn’t a busy city in the winter, but a full tourist destination in summer.
A high level of computer user is required to help us as community manager.
We are interested in young people who want to participate in all the activities that we are running in our organisation as well as helping in the management.
We are looking for a volunteer who is opened-minded.
If the volunteer have basic knowledge about Spanish language is a plus.