EVS w Hiszpanii to zaakceptowany do realizacji wspólny projekt Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego oraz hiszpańskiej organizacji Fundació Catalunya Voluntària . Projekt pt. „Let’s celebrate 10 years of FCV together” realizowany będzie już od czerwca 2017 w Barcelonie, ponieważ otrzymał dofinansowanie z Polskiej Narodowej Agencji.
Zgłoszenia należy dokonać wysyłając CV oraz list motywacyjny w języku angielskim na adres mailowy: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu
W tytule wiadomości należy wpisać “10 years of FCV “. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane.
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 11 maja 2017r.
Organizacja przyjmująca: Fundació Catalunya Voluntària
Miejsce: Barcelona, Hiszpania
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 11.05.2017
Rozpoczęcie wolontariatu: 01 czerwca 2017
Zakończenie wolontariatu: 02 marca 2018
Czas trwania: wolontariat długoterminowy, 9 miesięcy
Dostępne wolne miejsca: 1 wolontariusz
Jako wolontariusze EVS w Fundació Catalunya Voluntària, będziecie mieli okazję wdrażać w życie i koordynować projekty młodzieżowe. Będzie to dla Was niepowtarzalna okazja przejść pełny cykl projektu, od nawiązania partnerstwa, napisania wniosku, jego realizację i ewaluację. Do Waszych zadań będzie należało również wspieranie osób młodych przed ich wyjazdem na szkolenia, wymiany młodzieżowe czy wolontariat. Oprócz tego masa innych ciekawych zajęć jak działania promocyjne, organizowane eventów, szkoleń i wielkiej celebracji 10-lecia organizacji. Więcej szczegółów poniżej,
Project Goals
The “Let’s celebrate 10 years of FCV together” project objectives and aims are to make it possible for a greater number of young people to participate actively in those initiatives of volunteering, non-formal education and intercultural learning that are useful to improve their current situation, develop their key competences And, in short, to live experiences full of meaning, which allows them to increase their level of confidence, self-knowledge and responsibility. The project tries to inform them of the opportunities and resources that exist, to improve their options of access to the world of work and to continue their training.
The FCV considers that it is necessary for a greater number of people and organizations (from different sectors) to know and recognize the benefits of participating in the type of activities promoted by the FCV and to take advantage of the resources and products generated by these activities.
The project is based on motivating and helping other young people and organizations to be more protagonists of actions with social impact. In this way, the FCV, with the help of the European Volunteer, will help many young people overcome difficult situations due to lack of resources, lack of perspectives, plans and uncertainty.
The general objectives of the “Let’s celebrate 10 years of FCV together” project are:
-To actively promote the solidarity and active participation of young people in exchange, training and volunteering initiatives at local and international level, promoted by organizations of Catalan and international civil society, with special attention to those promoted by the FCV
– Facilitate the implementation of initiatives carried out by young people with social and educational impact, capable of offering meaningful experiences and empowering them in a process of active social inclusion
– To promote volunteering, non-formal education and youth mobility actions among a greater number of young people and non-profit and non-governmental organizations, with the aim that local young people with fewer opportunities at risk of social exclusion and poverty develop key competences
– Encourage intercultural learning and the creation of new synergies of collaboration at local/regional and international level
-To use of formal and non-formal learning to promote cohesion and understanding across different groups,promote equal opportunities and reduce differences in achievements,
-Support the exchange of different cultres and knowledges bewteen the local people and foreign volunteer
-To create access to places where young people can develop their creativity and interests and in a constructive way to spend time
The specific objectives of the “Let’s celebrate 10 years of FCV together” project are:
– To inform of the opportunities of international volunteering, non-formal education and intercultural learning, using the existing digital media and communication, carrying out events, presentations, information sessions, trainings and meetings with organizations and young people living in Catalonia.
– Motivate young people to discover and take advantage of the opportunities that exist to improve their work skills, find a job, create their own work and be entrepreneurs.
– Promote the dissemination of the results of activities and projects (pedagogical resources, experiences, news, new opportunities) through digital media and multiplier meetings.
– To strengthen the information, training, collection and dissemination of results of the FCV, as well as the mechanisms for mentoring, supervision and follow-up of the beneficiaries of the FCV activities, by creating new spaces for action, reflection , socialization, constructive criticism and the elaboration of new proposals.
– To strengthen the collaboration and association with entities, young people, representatives of the administration and educational institutions, of the countries and region of origin of the European volunteer.
EVS tasks:
1)Supporting FCV strategy in promoting capacity building and networking opportunities for young leaders,civil society organizations and educational bodies at local/regional level, interested to be more active in the promotion of the Culture of Peace.
It includes helping in the implementation of local activities focused in raising awareness about Peace Education and offering tools to improve conflict transformation skills,non violence communication,Human Rights and non discrimination.
2)Catalans around the World program:
-help in the preparation of future EVS volunteers (English support, pre departure training–together with the EVS coordinator)
-help in the deadlines, preparing mandates, suggesting ideas for projects, keep in contact with European partners, etc.
-arrange preparatory meetings and evaluation meetings with participants in training courses and youth exchanges–with the help of the FCV team
-participation or support person during some of the project we host:YE or TC etc.
-help candidates in CV and motivation letter preparation to apply for an EVS
-informative sessions about European opportunities
3)Coordination the 5th Short Film Exhibition will take place in Oct/Nov 2017 as well as the Cine Forum during whole project implementation
4)Supporting FCV strategy in promoting capacity building and networking opportunities for young leaders and youth workers from civil society organizations at international level. Volunteer will making a strongest partnership with other NGOs from his/her country and region of origin.
-conceptualization,preparation,implementation and evaluation of international youth projects like TC,YE and EVS, that the FCV will promote or host during the EVS period.
-participation and promotion of the organization in local events during Barcelona local holidays(on Sept),From Barcelona to the World(on Dec), JoBarcelona (on Mar),etc.
-implementation of different workshops(transversal topic:interculturality)Example:linguistic exchange or linguistic course(using non formal methodology)(Polish, English, etc.);theatre and dance corporal expression);
-upload and create contents in FCV website(articles,projects information,events, etc.)
-keep social networks updated(Facebook,Twitter,Instagram)
-help in the organization of 10 years FCV celebration(2007-2017)
-assistance in the organization of preparatory and follow up sessions with participants and group leaders, convening and facilitating workshops to build the group and support them to develop relevant skills.
-facilitate the participation of young people resident in Catalonia who are facing with challenges to integrate into the Catalan society, in activities of youth mobility,NFL and ICL(such as youth exchanges or a short-term EVS).
-maintain FCV collaboration with various youth and informal youth groups at local/regional level,promoting international youth mobility in neighborhoods with less participation in NFL and ICL programs.
5 Inform/communicate the results,impact and outcomes projects and activities
-inform about youth mobility opportunities and create attractive messages to reach and involve other young people.
-prepare documentation to disseminate news about learning and volunteering opportunities(and project results).
-support other young people, participants, interns and volunteers in different projects to ensure the impact, value and visibility of the initiatives they are carrying out and will support them to spread results about the benefits of volunteering, Culture of Peace, NFL and ICL.
-create leaflets (using canva) for the informative sessions, workshops and create attractive promo materials for the approved projects (EVS, youth exchanges, etc) in order to obtain the interest of local youngsters.
-promote the promo materials in universities, schools, youth and civic centres, libraries, etc.
-help in the preparation of the FCV annual report and other final reports: summarizing information, collecting data, creating graphics, updating data base, etc.
Volunteer Profile
With the “Let’s celebrate 10 years of FCV together” project we would like invite to cooperation 1 EVS volunteer (from 18 to 30 years old) in order to work in frame of various acitivies with different aims and missions.
FCV prefers to host young people who have the interest to work with kids, young people, fewer opportunities yougsters because those are the people that in general FCV work with and for, who are the target group of this project.
The Receiving Organization would like to have open minded volunteer, ready to work in the frame of our activities, with particular attitude towards social activities, with basic knowledge of English; The basic knowladge of Spanish will be an added value; aware of the kind of project thery are going to attend and of the local community, social environment and town in which they will live, with a true interest in the other cultures and good motivations on the context of the project, and some commitment, professionalism, in order to make more efficient the experience of volunteering.
The EVS volunteer should be motivated to learn Spanish because the work that they are going to implement is in direct contact with the benificiaries of the local partners.
The EVS volunteer should have a good interpersonal comunication, autonomy, sense of iniciative and creativity. He or she should have a good knowladges about values and principles of European Voluntary Service. Another important point is that the EVS should be motivated to work for the receiving organisation and the other social partners part of the project.
The main requirements are that the volunteer is willing to learn and willing to contribute in the social aims of the organization. We will appreciate if the person is flexible, open-minded. Main tasks will be done in the office of the organization, it’s important that the person is willing to work in an office, with the computer and with an intercultural team.
Accommodation, food, pocket money
-Volunteer will live in a shared flat in Barcelona,sharing the same flat with other people,Spanish (or Catalan) native speakers and will have an individual room.The flats will be fully equipped with kitchen,fridge,washing-machine,heating.The volunteer has to bring her personal things,such as towels and hygiene tools.He/she doesn’t have to cover any expense related with the flat rent nor with the regular supplies (electricity,water,heating and internet). He/she will have to agree and follow up the rules of the flat (regarding smoking,visits of friends,cleaning,noise,etc).
-Volunteer will receive the money on a monthly base in cash or by bank transfer in her personal bank account which will be opened in “La Caixa”.Transfer will be done before the 5th day each month.The volunteer will receive 100,00 EUR of Pocket money and 150,00 EUR of money for food.