EVS w Hiszpanii to wspólna propozycja organizacji Asociación Sociocultural Isla CreActiva we współpracy z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego. Projekt został już zaakceptowany przez hiszpańską Narodową Agencję i otrzymał dofinansowanie.
Zgłoszenia należy dokonać wysyłając CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim na adresy mailowy: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu oraz isla.creactiva@gmail.com
Wiadomość należy wysłać na oba maile jednocześnie!
W tytule wiadomości należy wpisać „Youth is + „, FRSP. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane.
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 15 sierpnia 2017r.
Organizacja koordynująca i przyjmująca: Asociación Sociocultural Isla CreActiva
Miejsce: La Laguna, Spain
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 15/08/2017
Rozpoczęcie wolontariatu: 06/09/2017
Zakończenie wolontariatu: 05/06/2018
Dostępne wolne miejsca: 1 wolontariusz
Context of the Project and Service Description
„Youth is + ” project was born by the needs of the youth of San Andrés y Sauces, a rural área from La Palma, that is non-capital island of the Outhermost Region of the Canary Islands. Also motivated by the need of the Youth Information Point of the municipality of San Andrés y Sauces, to broader and diseminate their experience in the Erasmus + program” , through the European Voluntary Service, we will provide new opportunities to the young people of the municipality.
Some of that needs that the local youth are facing include the high rate of unemployment, the geographical barrier that hinders their access to education and higher and specific training, the increase in the consumption of drugs and school drop-outs generated by a lack of motivation and feeling of defeatism in the absence of oportunities to develop, and the poor turnout in the community.
With this project we aim to promote the values of European Citizenship in our comunitiy, especially diversity tolerance, inclusion and active participation in the community; and extending the knowledge of the European Voluntary Service, and other opportunities offered by Community Programmes. by welcoming European volunteers in San Andrés y Sauces Youth Information Point, they will become the speakers of the European Citizenship message.
With the support and experiencie of the Asociation IslaCreactiva, as Coordinator Organization, we want to start with this adventure, to try to bring new experiences to the youth, both volunteers and local youngsters, in order to encourage their personal growth and development as European Citizens.
We welcome Polish young female, to integrate her in our everyday working life, our community and at the same time learn from her. „Youth is +” will be the first project of the City Council of San Andrés y Sauces, and a clear commitment by the approach of youth to the opportunities offered by the European Union and the values that it represents.
The volunteer will be part of our team for 10 months, sharring her work and experience to support our activities, and always adding a multicultural value to the daily work. So we are facing experience that will mark a turning point in the lives of many people, especially the youth who will participate daily in this public service of youth projects and activities.
With this project we intend to achieve the following objectives:
To promote the active participation of the young people in their communities, facilitating the development of thenself, especially in rural areas.
Bring the values of European Citizenship to the youth in rural areas, promoting the opportunities that represents be European Union, especially in a Outhermost region as Canaries.
To promote the inclusion, and active participation of youth in their communities, especialy rural ones.
Volunteer Profile and Recruitment Process
It is important for volunteers to fully participate in the project, having the desire to contribute actively and agree to the objectives. Under these conditions, the experience can become an opportunity for professional and personal growth of the volunteer.
During the project the volunteers will be in contact with the users of the activities executed by our organization, so she should show, overall, adequate social and communicative skills, to let herwork in a group, and in a multi cultural context.
We are saeraching a Polish female, age around 18-25, so she is in the same range that the other volunteer.
It´s better is she have some basic knowledge of spanish, to help in integration, but not mandatory
Volunteers will be chosen on the basis of their Curriculum Vitae, Motivation Letter and a Skype interview. All the candidature (completed with CV and Motivation Letter in English) should be sent to:natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu and isla.creactiva@gmail.com
Additional Informations:
Accommodation will be in charge to Asociación Sociocultural Isla CreActiva. . Sharing of common spaces will be encouraged with other volunteers or other young Spanish people with the purpose to create a fun and supportive atmosphere; although at the same time the privacy of the volunteers will be respected .
the volunteer will receive monthly a pocket money in amount of 120 €.
The volunteers will work for 34 hours for a week, including training sessions, monitoring and Spanish classes.
All have two consecutive days off per week (usually on Saturdays and Sundays), although these may change depending on the specific needs of each work area. At these days of rest they can add others two days off per month in according to their tutors.