EVS w Gruzji, Volunteers for the civil society in Georgia

EVS w Gruzji to propozycja Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego i gruzińskiej organizacji Association Merkuri poszukującej wolontariuszy na 6-cio miesięczny EVS w mieście Zugdidi.

Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu
Projekt pt. “Volunteers for the civil society in Georgia” otrzymał dofinansowanie w Polskiej Narodowej Agencji

W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisywać “Merkuri long term”. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane.

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 17 wrzesień 2017 r.

W treści wiadomości mailowej prosimy dodać:
Sending organization: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Acronym: FRSP
Adress: Warszawska 6, 311 room, 40-006 Katowice, Silesia region, POLAND
PIC: 934141623
Accreditation number: 2015-1-PL01-KA110-014455
EVS coordinator:
Natalia Podbielska

Coordinating/Receiving organisation: Association Merkuri
Location: Zugdidi, Georgia
Deadline: 17/09//2017
Duration: 7th of October 2017 – 10th of April 2018
Length: long term project ( 6 months, 182 days)
Placements: 2 volunteers

Organizacja Merkuri oferuje projekt długoterminowy dla wolontariuszy z Polski, gdzie będą oni działać z lokalną młodzieżą i dzieciakami. Zakres działań jest szeroki, od animacji czasu wolnego, organizowania gier i zabaw sportowy dla młodszych dzieci, przez organizowanie klubu młodzieżowego (warsztaty, uczenie języków), organizowanie eventów dla społeczności lokalnej po przygotowywanie materiałów promocyjnych organizacji i pomoc w realizacji projektów.

Description of organisation
The mission of Association: the assistance in development of civil society.

Strategy of Association: women and children rights and their education.

The aims of organization: supporting the development of civil society in Georgia, action aimed at resolving conflicts through peaceful means, the introduction of educational initiatives in Georgia. Working with international and local youth programme, support the young people physical. Spiritual and educational development and to develop educational initiatives in the field of civil society.

Target-groups: women, teenagers and children.

At our organization is Youth club. Our organization works for 2 directions: Youth and gender programs.
Organisation structure: number of members our organization are 15 people.
Our activities are: The prevention company of violence in Samegrelo Region until 2015, participation in international Actions against climate change, World AIDS day. International company 16 days against women violence, trainings, seminars, public lectures for youth, conferences for teenagers, language courses for youth, Youth club.

Our organization association Merkuri located in Zugdidi, Georgia. Zugdidi is capital of Samegrelo region and is a biggest town region. Samegrelo is bordered by the secessionist region of Abkhazia to the north-west. In the city and in whole region are number of problems young people face (especially from rural areas surrounding Zugdidi). Can be identified: from the lack of skills and education, to the lack of opportunities and resources. Moreover, to the lack of motivation and passiveness. EVS volunteers will work in close cooperation with Merkuri staff, contributing to its activities and creating new ones according to his/her skills, interests and motivation.

Working conditions:
Merkuri will provide volunteers with working space which includes: own desk, personal computer, internet connection, office materials. Human and technical resources of the organization will be available to the volunteers any time .In order to enable the volunteers to implement their personal projects, a permanent support will be proposed in order the realize his ideas and project.

The volunteer will share a room with other volunteer. The house will have electricity and hot water an also bathroom. House will be near to our office. Approximately 10-15 minutes walk.

Food: volunteers will prepare their own meals. They will receive amount of 70,00 EUR for food and Pocket money in amunt of 80 euro per month.
Local transport: The volunteer will be given resources for local transport where necessary.

-collect and promoting local social and cultural events.
-information tables and providing logistical support.
– organize Youth club (short workshops about different topics. Assisting trainer in language courses, organising summer school. Outdoor activities:games,excursions,competitions, photography workshops with children etc.).
-organize play sessions and sport events for children, families, young parents, womens as private schools, library, art gallery, women club etc..
-organize cinema club,choosing the films,watching and make discussions(movies will be connected with intercultural dialogue,showing intercultural issues,european values,activie citizenship,activity at the local level etc.).
-create media materials about the activities as well as about voluntary service generally and promote it on social media platforms (facebook,blogs etc.). Widening informal network of Merkuri by getting in touch with NGOs,local authorities,active youth workers,institutions, through the informal connections created during the above activities.
-invite local young people to events(e.g. performances, exhibitions,open craft workshops) organised by participants of youth exchanges, trainings, voluntary actions taking place in our organization.
-involve the local youngsters to the rural development carried out by the EVSers and activities related to the protection of nature: e.g. cleaning paths and wells, marking paths. Organize voluntary actions with the students from the closely high schools (e.g. cleaning the forest, painting tourist signs, painting the walls of the youth club). the main aim is to show them the value of voluntary and social work.
-present national and international programmes for local young people,supporting their application,supporting their preparation for the international projects and organizing follow-up meetings after the programmes.
-support the local youngsters to take their ideas into actions by giving information and cooperating with them.
-activities related to heritage protection: e.g. collecting and scanning old photos, cataloguing book donations to the local libraries, noting down old recipes-the aim is to engage local inhabitants and show them the value of their traditions and culture in globalized world.
-helping staff of organisation with everyday work as much as one can(eg.fundraising,collecting of needful information in internet, periodically updating a web-page of the organisation,technical support etc).

We would like to invite young people who are: interested in social work, educational science studies, psychology, gender issues, women right protection, interested in Georgian culture, history and current problems of local community. We hope he or she will be creative, having interest in working with young people and in intercultural communication, optimistic, outgoing and honest. Flexible, friendly and helpful, independent, with ability to show initiative, responsible and trustworthy, interested in work with children, youth are good to see.

Volunteers will be selected first through their CVs and Motivation Letters in English. All the volunteers will be treated equally through the whole selection process. First round of interviews will be conducted by the recruiting team in the sending organization and the second round in the host organization. EVS volunteering in our organisation understand potentially assigned tasks their role and agree with offered living conditions (which may be of lower standard than in their country of origin).

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