EVS w Belgii, WANTED: creativity for youth

EVS w Belgii to wspólna propozycja organizacji mu-zee-um vzw we współpracy z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego.

Zgłoszenia należy dokonać wysyłając CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim na adresy mailowe: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu oraz info@mu-zee-um.be (Zgłoszenia należy wysłać na oba adresy mailowe!)
W tytule wiadomości należy wpisać WANTED: creativity for youth, Polish candidate. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane.

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 15 marca 2017r.

W treści wiadomości mailowej prosimy dodać informację:
Sending organization: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Acronym: FRSPh
Adress: Warszawska 6, 311 room, 40-006 Katowice, Silesia region, POLAND
PIC: 934141623
Accreditation number: 2015-1-PL01-KA110-014455
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska
My sending organization is able to apply with the project to the Polish NA for the nearest deadline

Organizacja koordynująca i przyjmująca: mu-zee-um vzw
Miejsce: Oostende, Belgium
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 15.03.2017
Rozpoczęcie wolontariatu: 01/09/2017
Zakończenie wolontariatu: 31/08/2018
Dostępne wolne miejsca: 2 wolontariuszy

Mamy propozycję dla wszystkich zafascynowanych krajami Beneluxu. Możecie wyjechać do Belgii i działać społecznie w organizacji pozarządowej angażując się w aktywności z dziećmi i młodzieżą, działania kulturalne i artystyczne, prowadzić warsztaty, kursy i sesje szkoleniowe.

project description
“WANTED: creativity for youth” focuses on cultural participation in all aspects. The project aspires to stimulate art and cultural habits with children and young people. We want to involve new ideas and a widen scope of experience in the association. Coordination and exchange are keywords in this project. There are many learning opportunities for the volunteers like discovering many kinds of arts, new skills, a new language, involving children and youngsters in creative sessions and take responsibility to realise an own project. They will learn how projects are set up, how sessions and workshops are concepted, what methodology we use for art education, how they can organise and take responsibilities themselves in projects, courses or sessions. The volunteer will mostly work with young people and will be participating in workshops with them, but also get the opportunity to work together with them on projects.

accommodation, food and transport arrangements
Accommodation: The volunteer will have a student room in a student house, with common kitchen and bathroom..
Transport: Oostende is a middle big place in Flanders, Belgium. The EVS volunteer will have an own bicycle to travel around.
Food: the volunteer will receive a food allowance monthly, to take care themselves about all food and meals. (240EUR/month). The volunteer will also receive pocketmoney: 110€ / month
Language lessons: the volunteer will get an individual language course, with a special focus on the work in the organisation and the daily life situations.
training during the project

The sending organisation takes care for: Evs pre-departure training where the volunteer will gain all information about the guidelines and the organisation of his/her stay.

volunteer profile
mu-zee-um gives preference to candidates with the following profile:
– enthusiastic and dynamic personality
– willingness to learn the Dutch language (even take a course before the start of the project)
– independent and eager to take initiative
– some experience in the fields of art education or youth work is a surplus value
– sense of humour
– flexible and responsible

EVS volunteers are expected to integrate as a full member of the team, involved in all activities going on in the association.

how to apply
Send us an email with your CV and a covering letter why you would like to participate as an EVS-volunteer in mu-zee-um.

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