EVS w Słowenii, Be active-be healthy – FRSP

EVS w Słowenii to propozycja Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego i organizacji Youth Centre Hrastnik. Projekt “Be active,be healthy” otrzymał już dofinansowanie w słoweńskiej Narodowej Agencji i przewiduje działania wolontariusza w mieście Hrastnik, w Słowenii.

Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu oraz na lucija.staut@mch.si (zgłoszenie należy wysłać na oba adresy mailowe).

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 9 kwietnia 2017 r.

W treści wiadomości mailowej prosimy dodać:
Sending organization: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Acronym: FRSP
Adress: Warszawska 6, 311 room, 40-006 Katowice, Silesia region, POLAND
PIC: 934141623
Accreditation number: 2015-1-PL01-KA110-014455
EVS coordinator:
Natalia Podbielska

Mamy dla Was propozycję pracy w Młodzieżowym Centrum w Słowenii. Do zadań wolontariuszy należeć będzie prowadzenie różnego rodzaju warsztatów dla osób młodych przychodzących spędzać czas wolny w Youth Center w Hrastniku. Warsztaty o różnorodności kuchni europejskiej będą wykorzystywane jako medium, aby porozmawiać o ostatnich wydarzeniach społecznych, poruszyć dialog międzykulturowy i zaprosić do dyskusji na temat poszanowania różnic i przezwyciężania stereotypów oraz dyskryminacji. Ponadto dzięki turystycznym eskapadom będziemy wyciągać młodych ludzi z czterech ścian i sprzed komputerów, pokazywać alternatywne sposoby spędzania czasu. Szczegółowy opis aktywności poniżej. Załączamy również prezentację w prezi.
Organizacja jest dobrze znana FRSP, niedawno swój EVS zakończyła w Hrastniku jedna z naszych wolontariuszek, Emilia. Osobom zainteresowanym możemy udostępnić jej kontakt.

Coordinating/Receiving organisation: Youth Centre Hrastnik
Location: Hrastnik, Slovenia
Deadline: 09/04/2017
Duration: April/May 2017 –January/February 2018 ( 9 months)
Length: Long term project

Youth Centre Hrastnik is a non-profit organisation established three years ago. In that time we have successfully integrated into the local community. With our work we wish to provide young people and young by heart a focal point for their leisure activities and self-growth. With informal education we offer a space where they can hone their abilities, skills and competences in order to ease the transition into responsibilities of adult life and to provide better chances on the job market. With our activities we try to promote social inclusion and solidarity amongst youth and enable them to enhance their competences.

With the project Europe on the Plate the Youth Centre Hrastnik wishes, by using the medium of food and cuisine, to bring the topics of multiculturalism, internationality, refugees and other social issues that Europe is dealing with at the moment into the limelight and thus introduce it to the local youth and other inhabitants. This is especially important since we sensed rising fear and mistrust towards the phenomena during the recent refugee crisis. Cuisine thus represents a means to remove or at least alleviate the obstacles, fear and prejudices for discussion since our daily work proves, that the culinary workshops provide a good platform to initiate discussion on more difficult topics.

With their work in the local environment the volunteers will enhance in it the sensitivity to intercultural issues, promote tolerance, solidarity and acceptance of difference. We wish to provide them with the experience where they could show their knowledge and skills, be creative and develop new ideas and at the same time have the opportunity to gain new informal knowledge and competencies as well as enhance their existing ones. They will use the knowledge they gain in their local environment when they return home.

During the project Youth Centre Hrastnik will host 2 volunteers for 9 months. Cuisine will be used as medium to talk about recent social developments, intercultural dialogue and invite discussion on respecting differences and overcoming stereotypes and discrimination. By providing recipes of the prepared dishes at the end of workshops the volunteers will enable the participants to include them on their daily menu. They’ll continue the experience at home and thus give them the opportunity to remember and ponder about the issues at home and at the same time share their experience with others.

To promote recognition of the project and inform about recent developments in society and other issues connected with the project. The volunteers will establish a Facebook page, edit their own segment of mch.si page, and write their own blogs. Twitter will also be used since the volunteers. They’ll add their own contribution by actively commenting developments using appropriate hashtags and #Erasmus+ and thus promote the project at the same time.

Tasks of volunteer:
With the project ‘Be active, be healthy’! Youth Center Hrastnik is making a step towards raising the awareness about healthy, active and sporty lifestyle. The needs were recognized during the implementation of the project, where we were trying to discover tourist opportunities of Hrastnik. We found out that the most difficult to attract to different kind of activities are youngsters under their 30. They prefer staying at home, which is a result of unemployment and difficult economic situation. This reduces their social inclusion, their ability to have active life and physical and mental abilities, which are the key how one is coping with everyday life, including work, searching for a job or informal learning.

EVS volunteers will explore a wide range of individual and team sports and spending time outdoors. They will also explore surrounding hiking paths and set up geocaches. That will aware them about cultural, industrial and natural heritage of the area. Since geocaching combines modern technology (smartphone with downloaded application or garmin) and spending time outdoors, we find it as a great opportunity to encourage young people for outdoor activities and attract geocaching enthusiasts from elsewhere and give them a chance to discover our place.

Volunteers will also think about healthy lifestyle and healthy food. They’ll try to catch the spirit of the old quote: ‘Mens sana in corpore sano.’ (A sound mind in a sound body). They will prepare events with successful local sportsmen and discuss motivation to achieve goals. They’ll focus on how to overcome the obstacles and meaning of the sport and activity in daily life. International activities will bring new and fresh intercultural approaches into the local environment.

The main results of the project are:
– brochure, which will include the results of the project, descriptions of the surrounding hiking paths.
– geocaches, connected into thematic paths.
Those will represent independent work of volunteers that will include fieldwork, information gathering and critical assessment, preparation of texts and images.

We wish to enable a positive experience to volunteers where they’ll be able to show and developed their knowledge and skills. They’ll explore the local area, test their writing, and designing skills. We will provide them with many opportunities to acquire soft skills and non-formal learning. Gained skills and knowledge will be useful also after the end of the program in their own community.

Our partner organizations are FRSP from Poland and Viešoji įstaiga Creativitas from Lithuania, who have rich experiences in EVS.

We know both coordinators personally or through collaboration in previous project. We agreed that we would host 1 volunteer from Poland and 1 from Lithuania for 9 months starting since April 2017. We wish to enable positive experience to volunteers. They’ll be able to connect with local community and share knowledge and experiences with other young people.

Participants will build a positive attitude towards cultural differences. It will happen through collaboration in the project as well as their communicational skills and the ability to function in a multicultural environment. Volunteers will have the option of non-formal learning of communication and organizational skills, working with media, research, critical assessment, improve their digital literacy as well as their written and spoken communication skills. They will be also encouraged towards active spending of their free time. We will help them to assess their learning experiences, skills and competencies gained during the course of the project.

Mentor will help them in this process encouraging them to write those skills and experience in the form of Youthpass. We will help to recognize learning opportunities and self-assessment both during the time of project activities and their time off.

After the end of the project, we will disseminate results of the project by publishing a brochure, writing a blog, publishing articles in our local magazine Hrastov list and on social networks. We will promote geocaches, which are available to everyone at geocaching.com. Sending organizations will take care of the dissemination of the results and encourage volunteers to organize events, where they will raise the awareness about importance of EVS and non-formal learning competences. Arrangements between the hosting organisation and the volunteer

Working hours and days off:
6-8 hours of per day, 5 days per week, two consecutive days off per week and 2 days holiday per month for the duration of the project. The timetable can change, depending on events in evening hours and during the weekends. Therefore, the flexibility of the volunteer is desirable.

Food and Accommodation:
The volunteer will live in an apartment in Hrastnik, Slovenia. The apartment is equipped with sleeping (two bedrooms), cooking, washing, laundry and social facilities. The volunteer is also responsible for keeping the living area clean and to take care of the equipment inside the house. In case of damage, because of negligence, she may be asked to pay the repair costs. We will provide enough towels, bed sheets and cooking equipment. The monthly food allowance is provided, altogether the amount will be 150€.

Volunteer Allowance:
Volunteer will get 85€ of monthly allowance money in form of a monthly bank transaction to a bank account opened at one of the Slovenian banks especially for her.

More information in the presentation

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