Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES oraz rumuńska organizacja Forumul Cetatenesc pentru Actiune Sociala si Educatie Civica poszukują osoby chętne na wyjazd na EVS do Ramnicu Valcea.
Projekt został zaakceptowany do dofinansowania i realizacji przez Rumuńska Narodową Agencję. Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres mailowy W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisać: ‘EVS: Go for green‘.
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 27 września 2017 r.Contact person: Catalin Soare
Receiving and coordinating organization: Forumul Cetatenesc pentru Actiune Sociala si Educatie Civica
Location: Ramnicu Valcea
Deadline: 27.09. 2017
Start/End: 07.10.2017 – 07.10.2018
Project description
The project, “Living the green”, is a follow up to another voluntary project, “Go for green”, implemented between 01.10.2016-01.10.2017. At the end of this project, together with all the 6 EVS volunteers, we realized an impact study with the result that the project was appropriate for all 6 volunteers and for the local communities situated nearby Valcea’s County (where the activities of the project were implemented). The success of this project and the positive feedback received from the local community determinate us to initiate a new voluntary project.
Through this new EVS project, we want to promote ecological education, environment protection and to form the volunteers and the local community in order to have a “Green Spirit”. We also want to determinate them to be actively involved in order to protect the environment and to have a healthy lifestyle.
The specific objectives of the project are:
– Participation of 8 volunteers to an innovative EVS stage, on a 12 month period. The theme of the project will be environment protection and ecological education.
– Growing the number of the local volunteers up to 200. They will participate together with the EVS volunteers at ecological activities and forestation in Cozia and Buila-Vanturarita National parks.
– The access of 400 students from rural areas to ecological education.
– Involving the EVS volunteers, who are NEETs youngsters, in the activities of the project, fact that will help them on the future to overpass the reduced opportunities situation.
In this project will be involved 8 volunteers from NEETs youngsters category from Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Lituania, Portugal and Turkey.
The results of the project are:
– The EVS stage for 8 vounteers in environment’s protection and ecological education domain.
– The brochure with non-formal education methods those are specific to ecological education
– The calendar of the ecological education days.
-The web page of the project.
– 4 debating seminaries
– 2 conferences.
The project will contribute in order for the local community volunteers’ to acquire “green competencies”, to be aware about the problems of the environment from the community and the modalities in which these problems can be solved.
Role and tasks of volunteers:
The EVS traineeship launching conference (13.10.2017)
– Organizing workshops about environmental education and environment protection in schools and the Rm.Valcea’s Library. (1.11.2017- 31.5.2018)
– To carry out studies on the environmental problems faced by the local community (1.11-30.11.2017).
– Organizing seminars and debates on environmental issues and finding solutions to solve them (December 2017, March 2018, June 2018 and July 2018).
– Celebration through one day activities of ecological education days, according to the schedule of the European Commission (2 February – World Wetlands Day, 15.03-15.04 – month of Forests, 22 March – World Water Day, 1 April – the international Birds Day, 7 April – World Health Day, 22 June – Day of the Sun, 16 June – 16 September – World Ozone day, 23 Sept- World day of cleaning, 26 Sept- World Day of clean mountains) .This occasion will take place in various specific activities: greening actions, workshops, debates, social street animation, live library, theater-forum, exhibitions Photography, etc.
– Activities in the national parks Cozia and Buila Vanturarita: greening, marking tourist routes, promotion of the 2 parks, afforestation, the creation of a volunteer themed path: (1.11.2017-30.6.2018)
– Making the brochure with the non-formal methods used (GREEN GAMING) and the ecological education calendar (March-July 2018).
– Making a Facebook page of the project and posting information’s on the project website (January-July 2018).
Practical aspects:
The volunteers will work 6 hours / day from Monday to Friday. Their schedule will be organized as follow: preparing the activity.
10.00-13.00: Activities in the national park
13.00-14.00: Lunch break.
14.00-16.00: Activities in the national park and schools.
The volunteers will have 2 days off every month, will have days off according to Romanian legislation and will have holidays according to the university year 2015-2016
The volunteers will be accommodated in two apartments rented by FCASEC in Rm. Valcea city. The apartments are equipped with central heating, water, TV cable and internet. The kitchen is fully equipped. The houses have 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms and living room. To feed, the volunteers will receive a fixed amount at the beginning of each month, amount which will allow them to buy aliments and cook themselves. Also at the beginning of the month, all volunteers will receive a fixed allowance (pocket money). The local transport will be provided free of charge for the entire EVS period by FCASEC.
The volunteers will receive monthly 185 euro (60 euro as pocket money + 125 euro money for food).
– Young people between 18-30 years old
– Boys and girls in equal number
– Young people ready to spent 1 year volunteer in Romania.
After that date the candidates will receive the final decision. The deadline to send the applications is 3rd of September 2017
Ramnicu Valcea Geography and climate :
RâmnicuVâlcea is situated in the central-south area of Romania. Set at the foothills of the Southern Carpathians, the city is located at about 12 km from the Căpăţânii Mountains, 17 km
from the Cozia Mountains and about 40 km from the Făgăraş and Lotrului Mountains. The southern limit of RâmnicuVâlcea is formed by the Getic Plateau and the Oltului Valley.
The Olt River crosses the town of RâmnicuVâlcea as well as the E81 road of European interest and one of the main national railway routes.
The climate of Râmnicu Vâlcea is temperate-continental with average temperatures of 10 to 11°C. The multi-annual average of rainfall is around 700 to 800 l/mp, and there are about 90 to 100 days of hard frost annually.