EVS w Portugalii, Solidary Vegetable Gardens

EVS w Portugalii to zaakceptowany do realizacji wspólny projekt Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego oraz portugalskiej organizacji Animepaf. Projekt pt. “Solidary Vegetable Gardens” realizowany będzie już od września 2017 w miejscowości Sesimbra, ponieważ otrzymał dofinansowanie z Polskiej Narodowej Agencji.

Zgłoszenia należy dokonać wysyłając CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim na adres mailowy: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu

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Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 9 sierpnia 2017r.

Coordinating and sending organisation: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Receiving organisation: Animepaf
Location: Sesimbra, Portugal
Deadline: 09/08/2017
Start: 01/09/2017
End: 02/02/2017
Duration: 5 months
Placements: 1 volunteer

Projekt EVS w Sesimbra, w Portugalii to propozycja dla osób zainteresowanych proekologicznymi działaniami. Waszym głównym zadaniem jako wolontariuszy EVS w tym projekcie będzie dbanie o tereny zielone, głównie parki i skwery, miejscowości Sesimbra. Poza tym będziecie organizować eventy oraz warsztaty dla dzieci i dorosłych z zakresu ekologii. Razem z dzieciakami z lokalnej szkoły stworzycie ekologiczny projekt czy zorganizujecie dla nich Wakacje Ekologiczne podczas Świąt Bożego Narodzenia czy ferii.

Więcej szczegółów poniżej

Project Environment
Animepaf is located in Sesimbra, in the south of Portugal. Sesimbra is a tourist destination. Anime has a middle size office, where everyone has a working place and a special working place for volunteers with access to materials, Internet, etc.
Face to the new challenges that are placed to XXI century youth, like global warming, lost of biodiversity, health and social protection, it’s necessary to have innovating answers that allow adequate opportunities to the personal realization in a context of solidarity, social cohesion and sustainability. Basing on non-formal education the “Solidary Vegetable Gardens” project proposes to young volunteers an active participation in the main themes:

– Improve food sources and livelihood of families;
– Promote of sustainable and Responsible environmental practices among local community of Sesimbra’;
– Promote among young and elderly people of Sesimbra the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences;
– Strengthen the sense of local ownership and promotion of cultural identity and collective community;
– Stimulate subsistence agriculture for families and the community;
– Enhance the community spirit in the use and maintenance of public space;
– Encourage the use of traditional farming practices and challenges them to reinforce, by their participation, cultural diversity and social inclusion.

Volunteers tasks
The volunteers tasks will be:
1. Work at the School gardens:
-construction of the nature – pedagogic park
-taking care of the aesthetics of the green area
-sowings and planting of summer and winter cultures
-irrigation plan
-food growing:cultivation vegetables,fruits,planting and tending gardens,seed-saving,harvesting and preserving food
-building soil fertility:designing and maintaining the fertility cycles,learning which animal manures to use where,making compost
-search for illegal waste deposits and inform to prevent lesion of environment

2. Gardener and Centro Agrícola e Ambiental da Várzea and Meadow Agricultural and Environmental Center:
-gardening tools maintenance
-seed bank and cataloging inventory
-greenhouse and native tree nursery management
-educational service development(Local Schools study visits attendance)
-Eco Holidays in Christmas and Easter-a week camp in the park with lots of activities in the nature like horseback riding(that involves a gypsy family who has the horses and can teach how to ride),canoeing,archery, etc
-collection of social basket of surplus vegetables and delivery of the same in social canteens and charities of the parish(Once a month).

3.Support for the Parque Ecológico da Várzea and Parque da Ribeira
-fauna and flora monitoring actions
-ribeira de coina walking trails and interpretative routes(one per month)
-written information collection, sketchbook or photographic record data
-identification and mapping of tree species
-maintenance of tracks and leisure areas(refuse collection,one per week)
-trees weekly irrigation plan by areas(A-kingfisher,B-white stork,C–mallard duck,D-grey heron).

4.Environmental education for
a)children and young people:
-promoting contact with nature,develop activity planning skills with children in the context of social and educational horticulture
-preparation of educational activities for different levels and integration with exhibitions,workshops,seminars and training activities (workshop”Art environment”,”Illustration of nature”,”Gardening”)
-preparation didactic material related to environmental issues,guides(track information themes:environmental,cultural,sports)
-sensibilization activities for young people and local communities in environmental protection

b)young and old:
-encourage to use of traditional agricultural practices
-implementation of a composting system causes diverse benefits,such as the reuse and recycling of residues effective team-work and creating community(working on group dynamics and applying different communication and facilitation tools)

5. Organization and produce program of cultural events and meetings:
-animation and handcrafts workshop(like building puppets for example where they can use them to make a history of their countries and present it in a theater in the park amphitheater for schools or present some activity or give a lecture of something that they usually do in their countries)
-flash mob for the environment, agriculture
-evenings with Polish culture
-workshops about using the waste in art, f.eg: Recycle old objects,how to build basic structures with different materials(wood, stones)and how to craft various objects with fabrics,wires,cordage)
-organization annual festival dedicated to land,arts and biodiversity-“Festivárzea”

6. Promotional activities:
-preparing press releases
-updating web page, media pages (Facebook and YouTube) for the project,which published the progress and achievements of the various actions
-preparing press releases newspaper in the UNESCO Club in shared billing with different national and international organizations.
-preparation of didactic material related to environment issues,guides(information on thematic paths:environmental,cultural, sportive)

The working methods used will be always non formal education.It will depend of the motivation and the need of volunteers in each activity along the project would like to take part. Each volunteer will be directly involved in planned activities in its different stages(preparation,development,monitoring and implementation).Also,a strong accent is being put on stimulating the EVS volunteers’ own initiatives and on the importance of personalizing their actions.

Volunteers will share the Anime’s Guest House, a detached villa which has 3 double bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. They have a common room with TV and a fully equipped kitchen. It also has a shared space of internet access with computer, wireless internet, an outdoor space for barbecue, vegetable garden for own cultivation and a studio to workshop works and also 4 bikes so they can enjoy in their free time and also to promote good relations in the group. They will live in a quiet residential area with all the necessary conditions for a peaceful stay, close to public transport and many resources where they can go walking (minimarkets, pharmacy, market, cafes, restaurants, various shops). It’ll be available information/contacts and will be constantly monitored by tutors and mentor.

Volunteers will have a training integration and acceptance that will help them to know the surroundings and how to proceed in emergency situations. They’ll have the numbers to contact in case of emergency (police, firefighters, hospitals, tutor, mentor, coordinator, etc.). The house also has a mobile phone for shared use. All volunteers will be covered by CIGNA insurance mandatory.

Anime established a protocol with a local canteen where volunteers will have access to lunch daily. Regarding breakfast, snacks and dinner, volunteers can choose between having the food acquired by Receiving Coordinator or receive the amount corresponding to the amount to spend on food of their choice.
Volunteers will receive 100,00 EUR of pocket money per month.

Working days and days off:
Each volunteer has right to two days off per week, normally the weekend; 2days of holiday per each month of service; pocket money will be delivered at the beginning of each month as well as the transport costs.

Volunteers Profile
Animepaf expects an enthusiastic, energetic volunteer aged 18-30 who is eager to learn, enjoy working with youth and is full of creative ideas. Strong organizational skills are considered very useful as the ability to communicate in English, and be willing to study either Portuguese, Spanish (as not all people they will work with speak English). Moreover, the volunteer should be comfortable living on their own, be able to show that he is able to adapt to new situations, and have good problem solving skills.

The activities develop different skills, knowledge and abilities. Will be very important that the volunteers incorporating the project have above all initiative, creativity and flexibility, so that in accordance with their training and initial motivation, might open the range of opportunities to acquire new knowledge, skills and experiences that enrich their experience in EVS, their personal and professional future and the activities in which they participate. We would like to receive canidatures from young adults who are eager to learn about how to restore ecosystems in a way that also generates resources that can enrich local economies and bring that knowledge and experience back to their homes and find a way to maintain themselves through making a positive impact in their environment

Animepaf always encourages volunteers to develop new activities, own initiatives and ideas as long as they are in the framework of the project. We require no specific skills, but happy to be a flexible and creative base.

For this project the volunteer should have:
-Experience or interest in gardening and farming in general;
-Some physical endurance for outdoor work in the fields;
-Environmental awareness
-Interest in nature and protection of the environment
-Motivated to work with an international team
-Enjoy communicating and learning new skills and competences

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