EVS w Gruzji, Youth mobilization in rural areas

EVS w Gruzji to propozycja Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego i gruzińskiej organizacji Bridge of Friendship Kartlosi poszukującej wolontariuszy na EVS w mieście Gori.

Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu
Projekt pt. “Youth mobilization in rural areas” otrzymał dofinansowanie w Polskiej Narodowej Agencji

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Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 26 lipca 2017 r.

Jako wolontariusze EVS w organizacji Bridge of Friendship Kartlosi, będziecie mogli dokonywać wymiany międzykulturowej przez różne formy aktywności. Głównym celem projektu jest promowanie budowania pokoju i rozwiązywania konfliktów. Współpracować będziecie z osobami w niekorzystnej sytuacji a dokładniej z przesiedlonymi z terenów objętych wojną i konfliktem z Południowej Osetti do Gori, aby poprawić ich byt. Waszym zadaniem będzie prowadzenie warsztatów i treningów mających na celu podniesienie umiejętności zawodowych tych osób, uczenie ich języka angielskiego, różne formy aktywności(kulturalnej, artystycznej itp) aby pomóc im zapomnieć o traumie jaką przeżyli i pomogli im rozpocząć nowe i spokojne życie. Oprócz tego Waszym zadaniem będzie też przeprowadzanie imprez edukacyjnych na rzecz pokoju, demokracji, praw człowieka, kwestii płci, mobilizacji kobiet i dziewcząt. Częścią waszych działań będzie też promocja organizacji, działania foundrisingowe i wiele innych ciekawych aktywności, opisanych dokładniej poniżej.

Coordinating/Receiving organisation: Bridge of Friendship Kartlosi
Location: Gori, Georgia
Deadline: 26/07/2017
7th of August 2017 – 7th August 2018 (12 months)
7th of September 2017 – 7th September 2018 (12 months)
(please mention in motivation letter which dates are more suitable for you)
Length: long term, 12 months
Placements: 2 volunteers

Project Environment
People around the world have very different lives and ways of living.People have different belief systems(sometimes called religions, sometimes political beliefs)and usually live their lives according to what they believe to be right and wrong.Culture is learned behaviors,traditions,beliefs and a way of life created by a group of people.Our world is constantly changing and it’s filled with a variety of people that have developed many diverse cultures.People often follow the rules of their countries,make statements about other nationality,make stereotypes and prejudices.Learning to live with and respect others’ cultures and backgrounds is important. Prejudice is not genetically installed-it is rather a learned behavior.History has shown what people are capable of,when prejudice is not broken down and intolerance prevails in societies.Along with outright injustice and violence, discrimination and marginalization are common forms of intolerance against what we want to act within the framework of our EVS project.

The program aims to promote a tolerance, pluralism, and respect, exchange best practices, experiences of multicultural societies and encourage intercultural learning.The EVS in Georgia offers the participants and the local community an opportunity to become familiar with different countries’ inter-ethnic coexistence,make valuable contacts,exchange useful examples.

This project links, in particular, the first objective pursued by Erasmus+ Programme; it promotes active citizenship, diversity, intercultural dialogue, common values of freedom, tolerance and respect of human rights.In fact, the aim of the project is to support sustainable development of local communities in Shida Kartli Region and contribute to the peace process on the settlement of Tskhinvali conflict and carry out a dialog between communities divided in the result of conflict. This EVS project aims to raise volunteers’ as well as local community awareness and understanding of other culture and country working in a post conflict environment and learning peace-building process.

The volunteer will share a flat with other EVS volunteers on placement with “Kartlosi”.The flat will have all the necessary conditions to ensure a dignified, comfortable living space for the volunteers.The volunteer will be informed about the conditions of his accommodation as well as the environment and the location of the flat.They will be informed about any rules and regulations associated with the accommodation.

Food and Pocket money
The young volunteers are responsible for making a cooking schedule at home. It will be the responsibility of the volunteers to prepare/buy meals for themselves. The volunteers can go to cafes, bars and restaurants in the town or buy food in the shops and supermarkets and prepare it. The RO asks them to provide a list of the (regular) goods they need each time for cooking at home, so they can supply them with. The hosting place is equipped with the necessary appliances to prepare their meals. The volunteers will get money for food and pocket money at the beginning of each month.


1.Running English language classes for local youth,with the aim of supporting young people to develop their skills,such as the practical use of English,writing and speaking skills.This will also include running a movie and discussion clubs.this activities will be directed to local youth as well as for youngsters from IDP centers.

2.Implement activities in EuroClubs which aim is to promote other cultures,create european debates,implementing sessions of meeting about the EU and exchanging knowledge about it,start an essential debate about youth in United Europe and active citizenship

3.Organisational and administrative work including: networking with Georgian and international partners and building relationships with journalists,NGOs and civil society groups

4.Conduct educational events promoting peace,democracy,human rights,gender issue, mobilization of women and girls

5.Time to prepare for the future events.Volunteer will be responsible for interactive presentations,workshops,trainings for local youth(Cultural diversity,Democracy,Human rights issues,Sustainable development etc.)
They will also organize cultural events. EVS volunteers present their country and talks about their people,values,traditions.Then Georgian students will present the country to the volunteer.IIt will be interconnecting and cultural event,where we will share our values and views to each other

6 .Fundraising activities such as international applications and marketing activities and Development of Kartlosi’s online presence,including an online news portal,training for web content management and online journalism(such as writing feature stories and articles for a blog)

7.”More about photography”
Young local people who love taking pictures will be involved in this project.There will be chosen different locations where volunteers will go with group of students.On the location volunteer will share their knowledge about photography and they will take pictures of landscape. At the end of the project exhibition will be held

8.Modern literature club
Club will be created for students who love reading and want to improve their writing skills.The book will be chosen by students for each month. At the end of the month they will have discussion session and prepare short book review

9. Disseminate the findings of the research in such a way that will help to develop local,regional and international networks and partnerships and facilitate RO work in peace building and social development in the local community and to promote and enhance the understanding of peace building and conflict resolution.

10. Visiting settlements and organizing youth activities with internally displaced people:
In region, where we work there are Internally displaced people from Tskinvali, South Ossetian region, who now live in Gori. The volunteers will implement youth clubs in this area and youth will be involved in the activities ,such as language clubs,educational and entertainment event and etc.
– Organize training programmes,workshops in order to develop and improve professional skills that could assist them in future career.The aim is to achieve computer and languages literacy,communication and negotiation skills,CV writing and job interview assistance

Volunteers Profile
We strongly believe that all the young people who are willing to collaborate and have a desire for learning, can realize any kind of program. The only requirement is to be a creative, positive and flexible person, willing to cooperate, also to respect and adapt to local community and its habits. What is important in this field of volunteering and active citizenship is the effort of both organizations in including young people who are really motivated and want to live the experience of evs as part of a long term learning process.

Today, the definition of the profile of a potential evs volunteer is a delicate issue because E+ promoted so much the opportunities to go abroad that the organizations involved have to take care in giving the useful information and tailor the projects on the priority needs for the actual generation. The best candidates are people willing to work with youth. The participants will be young people unemployed, notably who come from small communities and disadvantaged background. This kind of volunteer is actually

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