EVS w Rosji, idea of volunteering in the North of Khabarovsk region

EVS w Rosji to zaakceptowany do realizacji wspólny projekt Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego i rosyjskiej organizacji Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North of Khabarovsk region.

Projekt pt. “Spreading the idea of volunteering in Khabarovsk region” otrzymał dofinansowanie z Polskiej Narodowej Agencji.

Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 31 stycznia 2017 r.

Mamy dla Was nie lada gratkę – propozycję projektu w odległym zakątku Rosji nad rzeką Amur, blisko granicy z Chinami w organizacji Association of Indigenous Peoples. Do zadań wolontariusza EVS należeć będzie współpraca z lokalną młodzieżą i dzieciakami w ramach projektów warsztatowych, szkoleniowych. Wolontariusz będzie też odpowiedzialny za organizację projektów wymian młodzieżowych, workcampów od ich napisania z pomocą koordynatora po całościową realizację. Głównym celem projektu jest szarzenie idei wolontariatu w Khabarovsku, gdzie jest ona słabo zakorzeniona w mentalności lokalnej społeczności.

Coordinating/Receiving organisation: Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North of Khabarovsk region
Location: Khabarovsk, Russian Federation
Deadline: 31/01/2017
Duration: 2 months (since August 2017)
Length: Long term project
Placements: 2 volunteers in total

Description of organisation
Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North of Khabarovsk region is nongovernmental organization, which has as its goal the protection of human rights, defence of the legal interests of indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, and the assistance in solution of environmental, social and economic problems, and the problems of cultural development and education. The Association works to guarantee the right on protection of native homelands and traditional way of life as well as the right to self-governance according to the national and international legal standards. Since 2002, the Association operates a youth center Phoenix of Amur, the objectives of which are the union of indigenous youth, education legal issues, involvement in problem-solving and active participation in socio-economic and cultural development of the Indigenous Peoples. To achieve these goals, in 2008 was set up school for young leaders of Indigenous Peoples of the Khabarovsk region. For three years there have been three regional (Khabarovsk) and four Residential School (Nanai, Khabarovsk and Ulch areas, Komsomolsk-on-Amur). Its members – young people with an active lifestyle, tomorrow leaders of the villages and towns of our region. Their candidates are nominated by district offices AIPON Khabarovsk region. The main emphasis leaders of the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North and center of Khabarovsk Krai Phoenix of Amur decided to do to overcome the passivity of young people in its formation among local leaders who can lead the village and neighbourhood associations, national communities, to work in the state and municipal authorities. All of this will accelerate the process of spiritual and cultural revival, growth of national consciousness of Indigenous Peoples. The target group of youth center are Indigenous young people from16 to 30 years old. March 5, 2009 in Khabarovsk hosted a forum Youth Amur: our rights – our future! for students from among the Indigenous Peoples, this was attended by representatives of the Government of the Khabarovsk region and the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the Khabarovsk region. The purpose of the forum was to bring youth to the project and give a comprehensive understanding of their human and student rights. The forum was attended by about 70 representatives of indigenous peoples – the students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, working young people and senior schools in Khabarovsk. They discussed issues related to policies of indigenous peoples, social movements for national and international organizations. It was particularly noted that today young people know very little about the culture and history of its people, it is necessary to revive the lost link between generations. The information about this event is provided on the internet resource of MEDE- centre but only in Russian www.mede.su/content/44/read53.html. The staff of our NGO is represented by president of NGO, vice president, head of youth center, office – manager and 4 constant volunteers. Their background varies from medicine to teaching and entrepreneurship and age starts from 21 up to 45 years old. Regarding the persons who are involved in EVS they are studying foreign languages at the Far Eastern Humanitarian University and working in a private school as a teacher of English and French. Another one holds MA University of Manchester Cultural Management and besides a volunteer work for the Association currently developing own project which is focused in ethno-cultural production.

Khabarovsk is located in Asia, in the southern part of Sredneamurskaya lowlands, near the confluence of the Amur and Ussuri rivers , 753 km north of Vladivostok and 8 km east of the Chinese border. The city area – 37,200 hectares, spread along the shore of the Amur and Amur channel – 45 kilometers, and a maximum width of 10 km (near the airport – at 18.7 km).The population of city is around 600 000 people. Major economic activities of the city are represented by manufacturing, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water, transport and communications, construction, real estate, renting and business activities, trade and public catering. The industrial complex of the city is formed of 86 major industrial enterprises of the industry. The leading ones are electric power, food processing, machine building and metalworking, fuel and timber industries. Khabarovsk cultural and art life is based by unique museums: Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after N. Grodekov; Museum Amur fish; Khabarovsk Geological Museum; Museum of Archaeology; History Museum; Far Eastern Art Museum; Military History Museum; Museum of Amur bridge and 7 theatres and 5 institutions with different backgrounds from academic to contemporary art. The city and surrounding area is a number of enterprises of the recreation sector, including camping Arizona, Dubrovka, 13-km, Zaimka Plyusnina (with cinema), Lukomorye entertainment complex Fort Artois. There are zoo under Sysoev and Wildlife Rehabilitation Center The Rock near Khabarovsk. In Khabarovsk, there are several parks: Central Park, park them. Yuri Gagarin, the Dynamo with the city park ponds, park them. AP Gaidar, the park around the temple Ven. Seraphim of Sarov, the park Lenin Stadium. The climate is temperate monsoon climate, with little snow and very cold for such a low latitude in winter, hot and humid in the summer. The average January temperature is -19,9 ° C, the average temperature in July +21,3 ° C. There are lot of cafeterias and restaurants wifi access in the city. However at the shops and supermarkets the prices for vegetables and fruits are considerably higher than in Europe.

The accommodation for volunteers will be provided by rented apartments with all necessary facilities. Also we can provide host family where EVS volunteers live in their own rooms. They share bathroom and kitchen with the hosting family. They are able to use telephone as well. More over it is good opportunity to intercultural immersion on a daily basis. Nowadays Indigenous youth are concerned by three most important issues: employment, preservation of own culture and language, lack of knowledge their own rights. Our youth centre has been providing several seminars which were regarding to protection Indigenous rights and interests in a lawful manner, for certain international treaties, the Constitution, the laws of the laws of the Russian Federation, as well as regulations of the local level. Next step was a stimulation of youngsters to demonstrate social, political, economic activity, participate in the work of the local representative, legislative and deliberative bodies, in public organizations to influence policy on indigenous peoples. Our office is located in down town of Khabarovsk, just one minute on foot from the central square of the city – square under Lenin. The closest bus and trolleybus station (square under Lenin) is located five minutes on foot from our NGO. The working time: from Monday to Friday; 10 am until 6 pm; break from 1pm until 2pm. The office is a former reconstructed 3 rooms apartment with own kitchen and toilet. The food allowance is provided by 150 euro and pocket money – 90 euro.

We will involve the EVS volunteers into our projects and the NGO everyday life and give them opportunities for self-development connected with planning, organisation and creation of activities of our NGO projects. To help EVS volunteers to become aware of the cultural life of the region we will offer them the courses of the Russian language. The role of EVS volunteers: Each volunteer will become a part of a team in which he will cooperate with project coordinators (supervisors) and receive the support in the taken tasks and projects from them. A volunteer will take part in a regular weekly office meetings. Working hours of the office are from 10a.m. to 6p.m.The schedule of volunteers work depends on the programs of the projects. Some projects will take more time that is why volunteers have to spend additional time on the trainings, seminars. However volunteers can have time off on alternative days.
Proposed EVS volunteer’s tasks:
1. Through project we will support the development of youth initiatives in the local community informing youth,culture organizations and associations about european possibilities and projects.The project will take place in the information office and the volunteer will support the everyday activities of the organization in the fields of Office work and coordination of the projects, youth work, media projects,etc. More specifically
– To take part in coordination of international voluntary exchange (getting to know the system of exchanges, updating internal database of projects, e-mail correspondence with foreign partners, providing information about voluntary projects to Khabarovsk local volunteers);
– To facilitate volunteering and voluntary projects among the Russian youth,
– To participate in trainings of our NGO (training for camp leaders, volunteers, development education issues);
– Prepare announcements, messages and plan changes; prepeare the content of message/advert/leaflet adapted to the recipient;
– Prepare lefleats and posters about European Programmes opportunities for youth
– Prepare special events to promote voluntary work, engagiging the local youngsters in differente type of activities to show the that through volunteering they can have fun and help others.
2. To learn about different Russian and international NGO’s and their work and projects, study visits in other NGOs, exchange good practisies in work, preparation the report after visits with solutions and tips
3. To teach native and other languages in the “Worlds cultures club” which is a part of the Youth Center (planning and structuring of a lesson, running the lessons). We would like to young people from differante backgrounds could meet together and spend time together learning something usefull during this time.
4. To organizning friendly events designed to promote the discovery of European countries.The volunteers will present their own contry and region of Poland where they are from with regional cousine,presentation,traditional items which bring with them to show etc.To this kind of evenings they will invite local youths, kids and adults. they will have to also prepare strategy of promotion this kind of event(preparation of lefleats, information announced by social media like fb,information passed to the organizations which are cooperate with AIPON organization.
5. To organize EuroClubs which aim is to promote other cultures, create european debates, implementing sessions of meeting about the EU and exchanging knowledge about it, start an essential debate about youths in United Europe and in the process of integration.

Average project is planned for the period of 12 months. An EVS volunteer will be occupied for about 30 hours per week, except for Saturday and Sunday. In the first days of work in the office an EVS volunteer will be constantly supported by the project coordinator. In the process of education, as well as in his free time a volunteer will be supported by his mentor. The description of the example of tasks:
1. The task for a volunteer is to work in a team and to acquire skills of independent work in the office to coordinate the project of international volunteer exchanges. 2-3 p.m. learning of Russian. 3- 4 p.m. coordination of the work with international partners (e-mail correspondence with foreign partners). 4-5 p.m. coordination of sending local volunteers to the volunteer camps. (e-mail correspondence with foreign partners). 5-6 p.m. meeting local volunteers in the office, recruiting for sending to the camps.
2. The teaching of foreign languages in the world culturs club. 2-3 p.m. learning of Russian. 3-4 p.m planning and structuring of a lesson. 4-5 p.m. running of lesson. 5-6 p.m. providing of cultural events
Additionally we can offer two sites which are connected with Khabarovsk Indigenous youth to coming volunteers for implementation of own projects. There is the pre-entrance course of Indigeous people under the Far Eastern State Medical University where Indigenous pupils study the classes with focus to chemistry and biology and their age from 15 up to 17 years old. Another opportunity is provided by the Department of Indigenous Peoples under the Far Eastern Humanitarian University. It unites all Indigenous students from different faculties who are studying there. We hope that our mentors and coming volunteers quickly will become the friends so in the holiday time they can spend time together in a big variety of cultural and/or sport activities. As a alternative to mentioned activities there is a opportunity to volunteer in Indigenous community which is located in the village Sikachi- Alyan about 50 km from Khabarovsk. The coming volunteers might help with teaching English for local kids at the school.

The project objectives:
1) To arise interest of russian youth in field of active citizenship,
2) To support spirit of initiative of young people from the local communities involved,
3) To increase volunteers’ ability to work toward a more inclusive society,
4) To engage local youth in a diverse range of activities, such as the provision of education and youth work services that will support
the local dialogue of different youth groups, as well as offer space for intercultural learning and European awareness
5) To promote the issue of being proud about your own culture in terms of globalization,
6) To introduce EVS volunteers with the local environment, culture and people
7) To establish a good mutual understanding and cooperation between Polish volunteers and indigenous youth.
8) To get their feedback which will be used to improve mutual work of both sides.
9) To share and use the experience and the best practices for prospective EVS projects among concerned institutions and persons.
10) The inclusion of minor indigenous peoples youth of Russia in the social and cultural life.

We expect to get a young initiative people at the age from 20 to 30 years old with a strong motivation. It will be easier for volunteers to adapt to the new cultural environment and work on the projects, if they are open-minded, flexible, responsible and enthusiastic. For us it is important to know that EVS volunteers really want to involve Khabarovsk volunteers in the volunteer movement. Therefore the foreign volunteers should have personal characteristics like: leading, capable to persuade. From the volunteers who will participate in the project of teaching of foreign languages we expect committed individuals who wish to share own cultural values. The foreign young people are to have the experience of work with people of different backgrounds. The volunteers with pedagogical experience are welcome. If a volunteer has a hobby, that he would like to share with others, we will be glad to assist the volunteer in this desire. Selection of the candidates – the openness and transparency of the selection process. Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North of the Khabarovsk region (AIPON) will publish the description of the planned project and invite applications from prospective volunteers. The applications are reviewed for their completeness and evaluated by the project team of AIPON according to clear and openly declared evaluation criteria. All applicants are contacted by AIPON staff by phone, via skype or in person to clear up any questions that might arise in connection with their applications. All applicants receive evaluation letters and confirmation of their selection, if this is the case. All of this information will be post in our website. The most suitable types of sending organisations with themes for us: youth policies, art and culture, environment and education through sport and outdoor activities.

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