EVS we Włoszech, Circolo Arci Babilonia – Acireale

EVS we Włoszech to propozycja Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego i organizacji Circolo Arci Babilonia.

Aby wyrazić chęć udziału w projekcie należy przesłać swoje CV i list motywacyjny w j. angielskim. Dokumenty prosimy przesyłać na adresy: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu oraz arcimisterobuffo@gmail.com. UWAGA – zgłoszenie należy wysłać na oba adresy mailowe jednocześnie.

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 15 marca 2017 r.

W treści wiadomości mailowej prosimy dodać:
Sending organization: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Acronym: FRSP
Adress: Warszawska 6, 311 room, 40-006 Katowice, Silesia region, POLAND
PIC: 934141623
Accreditation number: 2015-1-PL01-KA110-014455
EVS coordinator:
Natalia Podbielska

W Acireale macie możliwość działać z lokalną młodzieżą. projekt przewiduje działania kulturalne i artystyczne, edukację ekologiczną i obywatelską. Będziecie mieli okazję prowadzić warsztaty z fotografii, krewatywnego pisania czy teatralne, wszystko zależne od Waszych umiejętności i preferencji.

Coordinating and Receiving Organization: Circolo Arci Babilonia
Location: Acireale, Italy
Deadline: 15/03/2017
Duration: 01/10/2017 to 30/06/2018 ( 9 months)
Length: Long term project

project description
Circolo Arci Babilonia is a social promotion organisation and the main activity is the management of the cultural centre Mistero Buffo. The centre offers a number of artistic workshops and events (e.g. music, reading, theatre, dance, drawing, juggling, video, photography, creative writing).

Enviromental and education projects in primary schools and middle schools, management of a touristic centre in the natural reserve “La Timpa”; initiatives on social inclusion (support, information and guidance for disadvantaged young people and immigrants); citizenship education activities for immigrants (such as Italian language lessons, excursions and tours of the town, intercultural theatre workshops); a space for music bands and theatre groups; Internet facilities, a library, an audiovisual library; the implementation of cultural activities such as cinema, foreign languages, music, theatre events and support to the international short film festival Magma, organised every year by the ngo Scarti

The project aims to offer the volunteers an opportunity to be involved in non formal education, community work, cultural activities, citizenship education for immigrants and activities related to the promotion and valorisation of the environment. Volunteers will support the organisation members in the planning, implementation and evalution of the youth centre activities. Our idea of “support” in connection with the role to be taken by the volunteers involves not being simply passive observers of what is happening around them, but we believe that they should gradually gain autonomy, feel part of the organisation and fully understand the context around them, thanks to the help offered by our members.

The project will mainly take place in the headquarter of Circolo Arci Babilonia. The environmental and cultural activities over summer may take place in the tourist centre of the natural reserve La Timpa in Acireale. Some of the activities, especially related to environmental workshops with schools, might take place in the schools of Acireale.

The organisation acts a social hub and runs several activities with a strong cultural impact on the local community, especially focusing on young people:
-Management of the youth centre. The centre offers a number of artistic workshops and events (e.g. music, reading, theatre, dance, drawing, juggling, video, photography, creative writing);

Initiatives in cooperation with formal education structure to promote education to legality and active citizenship; initiatives on social inclusion (support, information and guidance for disadvantaged young people and immigrants);

Citizenship education activities for immigrants (such as Italian language lessons, excursions and tours of the town, intercultural theatre workshops); a space for music bands and theatre groups; Internet facilities, a library, an audiovisual library; the implementation of cultural activities such as cinema, foreign languages, music, theatre events and support to the international short film festival Magma, organised every year by the ngo Scarti.

-Promotion of European youth mobility. The organisation is also involved in international networks for the promotion of European youth mobility, cooperating with different organisations to implement youth exchanges and other international projects.

accommodation, food and transport arrangements
The 2 volunteers will have their double room in a shared apartment equipped with all common facilities (kitchen, washing machine, bathroom…). The house is located in the historical centre of the town and its few minutes by walk far from Mistero Buffo office.

training during the project
The volunteers will have the opportunity of doing two trainings organised by Italian Youth National Agency
-on-arrival training
-mid-term evalutation
The receiving organisation also provides mentorship, italian course and also weekly evaluation meetings with the volunteers of Mistero Buffo.

volunteer profile
We would like to host volunteers who demonstrate a strong interest for the main themes of the project and main areas of activities. Previous organisational experiences in ngos field and knowledges in the issues mentioned above will surely help the volunteers in the full integration into the project but are not essential to be selected as a volunteer.
The specific motivation to take part in this project that the volunteers may express is important as its coherence with personal life experience and future plans. Motivation to learn Italian is very important too.

how to apply
Please send your CV and motivation letter by e-mail to: arcimisterobuffo@gmail.com and natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu

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