EVS w Irlandii, Belfast – The Black Box Trust

EVS w Irlandii to wspólna propozycja organizacji North Down YMCA we współpracy z Fundacją Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego.

Zgłoszenia (CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres mailowy natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu oraz na mhegarty@brysongroup.org (zgłoszenie należy wysłać na oba adresy mailowe).
W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisać: 12 month placement with The Black Box, starting September 2017. Aplikacje nie zawierające takiego tematu wiadomości nie będą rozpatrywane.

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 23 lipca 2017r.

W treści wiadomości mailowej prosimy dodać:

Sending organization: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Acronym: FRSP
Adress: Warszawska 6, 311 room, 40-006 Katowice, Silesia region, POLAND
PIC: 934141623
Accreditation number: 2015-1-PL01-KA110-014455
EVS coordinator
Natalia Podbielska

Celem projektu będzie działalność nakierunkowana na pracę z osobami starszymi i z niepełnosprawnością. Będziecie mieli okazję pracować z różnymi grupami wiekowymi od dzieci i młodzieży, przez osoby dorosłe aż po seniorów. Poza tym, w związku z kierunkiem działania organizacji The Black Box Trust, będziecie mieli okazję współorganizować eventy kulturalne (koncerty, wystawy sztuki, performance czy związane ze sztuką wizualną). Wolontariusz powinien posługiwać się językiem angielskim w stopniu komunikatywnym.

Contact person: Mary Hegarty
Coordinating organisation: Bryson Charitable Group
Receiving Organizacion: The Black Box Trust
Location: United Kingdom, Bangor (North Ireland)
Deadline: 23/07/2017
Start/End: From: 01/09/2017 To: 31/08/2018

Volunteer’s Tasks
The EVS volunteer will support the staff of The Black Box in the outreach work, the majority of which is with people with learning disabilities and with older people. The placement may also require other activities related to the diverse programme of the multi-arts venue. Outreach activities include Black Moon, a monthly club by and for people with learning disabilities in both Belfast and Omagh, Mini-Moon, an afternoon version of Black Moon for early years children (0-7) with disabilities and their families, Creating Connections a weekly drop-in arts based activity for older adults, especially those with learning disability.

Accommodation, food and transport arrangements
EVS in The Black Box is coordinated by Bryson Charitable Group and the EVS volunteer will live in shared accommodation with Bryson EVS volunteers based in other projects. The volunteers each have their own bedroom and share kitchen, living space and bathroom. The houses are in South and East Belfast.
The volunteer will receive a weekly allowance to cover food and volunteer allowance.
The project is within walking distance of the volunteer house.

Training during the opportunity
The volunteer will receive a two day induction and orientation training on arrival in Belfast, before going to the Black Box.
There will be training in relevant policies and procedures in the project, including vulnerable adults training and child protection.
There may be the possibility for the volunteer to attend other relevant training during the EVS placement.
English language training will be available via the Erasmus + OLS system.

Volunteer profile
The volunteer should have an interest in supporting people with learning disabilities and older people and should have a reasonable standard of English (minimum B1/B2) since they will need to communicate effectively and easily with people with learning disabilities and with older people. They should be enthusiastic about the arts, able to think on their feet and confident working in a busy environment.

How to Apply
Please email mhegarty@brysongroup.org and natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu the following:
– full CV
– full motivation letter which is specific to the project
– please state in the covering email that you are applying for the 12 month placement with The Black Box, starting September 2017

Additional information:
The Black Box Trust was formed in 2004 with the aim of delivering a dynamic and flexible performance space in the city’s Cathedral Quarter, an area becoming known as a cultural hub yet lacking suitable and sympathetic performance spaces for the increased activity in the area.
The Black Box exists to promote all art forms including music, film, literature, comedy, theatre and visual arts events. The building is funded through a mixture of self-generated income and public subsidy. The Black Box Trust curate a programme for the venue for a number of nights every month which is then available for private hire to local arts groups for the remainder.
As a venue in the heart of Belfast’s now bustling Cathedral Quarter, The Black Box hosts over 300 events a year covering visual art, music, literature, circus, cabaret, comedy and everything in between.

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