Stowarzyszenie BONA FIDES i bułgarska organizacja Foundation “Centre for European Initiatives” poszukują wolontariuszy na projekt EVS w miastach Tulovo i Kolarovo, w Bułgarii.
Projekt Summer HUGS otrzymał już dofinansowanie w Polskiej Narodowej Agencji i na pewno będzie realizowany. Zgłoszenia: CV i listmotywacyjny w języku angielskim prosimy przesłać na oba adresy mailowe:
W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisać: “Summer HUGS”
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 16 lipca 2017
Propozycja działań w Bułgarii w ramach organizowanego przez organziację Foundation “Centre for European Initiatives” wakacyjnego obozu kolonijnego dla dzieci. Do zadań wolontariuszy należeć będzie organizacja aktywności dla dzieci:
-warsztaty oparte na muzyce (np .: uczenie się polskich pieśni, tworzenie muzyki z plastikowych butelek, uczenia się tradycyjnych tańców, itp.),
-warsztaty teatralne (np: gry improwizacyjne, pantomima, sztuki sceniczne itp.),
– warsztaty artystyczne (rysunek, rzeźby, kolaże)
-aktywności sportowe (Np. Koszykówka, tenis stołowy i badminton),
tak aby każdy uczestniczący dziecko i młodzież mogły uczestniczyć w działalności, która najlepiej pasuje do ich zainteresowań, a także spróbować nowych rzeczy i zdobywać nowe umiejętności i wiedzę.
Poza tym aktywności takie jak:
-budowanie zespołu,
organizacja dwóch wieczorków kulturalnych, aby lepiej zrozumieć kulturę bułgarską i polską, tradycje, narodowe osobliwości itp.
-działania w lokalnych bibliotekach
-nauczanie j. angielskiego lokalnych mieszkańców
Coordinating and Sending Organisation: Bona Fides Association
Receiving Organization: Foundation “Centre for European Initiatives”
Location: Tulovo and Kolarovo, Bulgaria
Deadline: 16/07/2017
Activity Dates: 02.08.2017- 31.10.2017
Vacancies: 3 EVS volunteers
The 4 Polish volunteers will be working in two teams and each team will be performing their activities in a separate village.
The villages(Tulovo and Kolarovo) are in Stara Zagora region.Every day the volunteers will travel by buses and perform their activities in the so called “community centers” (or “chitalishta” in Bulgarian language), which will be the local partners in this project. There will be a local supervisor in every village supporting the volunteers at work and providing the contact with the local youngsters.
Working in two places will give the chance to compare the different realities and exchange ideas about how to improve the activities and make them more efficient and useful. Furthermore, there could be small exchanges of groups of youngsters participating in the workshops in the other village, so that the youngsters will be acting themselves as multipliers of the project best practices.
The project predict 3-months long activity of 4 Polish volunteers, preferable start on July 2017.
During first week there will be daptation,introduction work place,brainstorming of volunteers’ own ideas.The volunteer will get to know theRO,staff,mentor,other volunteers through a series of non-formal and formal events and meetings which will include acquaintance,team-building activities,two cultural evenings in order to understand better Bulgarian and Polish culture, traditions,national peculiarities,living and working conditions,presentation of existing projects of the RO.The CEI will organize traning in topics of intercultural learning,project design management and methods of non-formal education such as group dynamics,facilitation,educational games in order to use them in the youth work.
On second week all the volunteers will have time to prepare to summer activities: prepare name games,ice-breakers,team building activities,prepare the possible tasks and questions for the quiz about EU countries,sport competitions,intellectual and entertainment activities for the evening program.
There will be the following activities in each village:
1.Summer adventure camps
every weekday from 9 to 12. The volunteers will organize workshops based on music (ex:learning Polish songs,making music of plastic bottles,learning traditional dances, etc.), theatre (ex: improvisation games,pantomime,role plays,etc.),arts(drawing,making sculptures,making collages of forest objects,etc.)and sports(ex:basketball,table tennis and badminton),so that every participating kid and youngster can participate in the activity that best fits their interests,but also try new things and get new skills and knowledge.There will be an average of 50 participants(aged from 8 to 18)in the camps daily in each village.The volunteers will be given freedom to choose their methods, so that they use their skills and feel confident during the activities.
2.Intercultural activities-once a week in each village.
Different aspects of Polish culture as well as about other European countries will be presented,such as history,music,folk tales,cuisine,famous people, etc. Competitions and funny games will be organized,so that getting to know the other culture would be interesting and attractive.About 40 people are expected to join each event,no age limit.
3.Workshops in village libraries –twice a week, aiming at motivating people to read. So, there will be activities, such as: scanning and preserving old books, drawing competitions based on favorite books,showing videos or famous Polish cartoons etc.About 20 kids and youngsters are expected to participate in each activity
4.Organizing and leading the Language Schoolyard during camps.Volunteers task is to prepare and conduct a course of English classes 1h each for 3age groups(8-10 and 10-14 and 15-18).The lessons will far from the typical,would involve:role playing the scenes from famous,funny TV shows and movies,games consisting in reading a text while incorporating a TV presenter,sport commentator etc.The result will be a brochure with teaching resources
5.Visibility activities
-EVS blog(once a week) publishing and up-dating information about the activities as well as photos and videos, so that unlimited number of people would be able to see it and get motivated to multiply some of the best examples.
-Documentary video-volunteers will work on it during the last 2 weeks of September summarizing the highlights of the activities, showing the benefits for the local people and describing the lessons learned.The video will be made in both Polish and Bulgarian language and will be up-loaded on the web-sites of both the sending and the receiving organization.
-Presentations about volunteeiring,Erasmus+ and EVS for local youngsters, during summercamps or at the local libraries
Participants profile:
No specific limitations have been set for the young people interetsted to get involved in the project.The volunteers will perform activities which will make them gain new skills(preparation of information materials,organization of summer camp workshops, up-dating a web-site, etc.), but they do not need any special skills in advance.The RO CEI in Bulgaria will provide training for the volunteers before they start the activities as well as experienced supervisors who will consult them daily.This guarantees the equal participation of everybody in the selection process.With regards to the specifics of the planned activities and the beneficiaries, the volunteers need to be tolerant and adaptive people,open to accept different culture and mantality.Gender balance in selection process will be respected but not an essencial rule as motivation of the volunteers will be the basic criteria.We will also explore their potential to get new knowledge and skills as well as their ability to work in a team.
If you are interested, please send us your CV and motivation letter in English.