EVS na Maderze to zaakceptowany do realizacji wspólny projekt Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego oraz portugalskiej organizacji Teatro Metaphora – Associação de Amigos das Artes. Projekt pt. “Tale of the two cities” realizowany będzie już od czerwca 2017 w miejscowości Camara de Lobos, ponieważ otrzymał dofinansowanie z Polskiej Narodowej Agencji.
Zgłoszenia należy dokonać wysyłając CV i list motywacyjny w języku angielskim na adres mailowy: natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu
Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 11 maja 2017r.
W tytule wiadomości prosimy wpisać: “EVS na Maderze, Tale of the two cities”. Inne aplikacje nie będą rozpatrywane.
Bardzo interesujący projekt kulturalno-ekologiczny na przepięknej Maderze. Jako wolontariusze EVS w organizacji Teatro Metaphora będziecie po pierwsze promować dziedzictwo kulturowe, tradycję i sztukę. Będzie to możliwe dzięki organizowaniu z lokalną młodzieżą i organizacją sztuk teatralnych. Drugim ważnym działaniem będą aktywności ekologiczne. Wraz z organizacją realizować będziecie projekt Green Steps, w ramach którego będziecie zachęcać do aktywnego uczestnictwa młodzież i lokalnych mieszkańców w kwestii ochrony środowiska (wspólne akcje oczyszczania lasów i plaż, organizowanie kampanii ulicznych, seminaria, warsztaty, szkolenia i wystawa produktów recyklingowych). Poza tym czekają na Was też inne aktywności, szczegóły poniżej.
Coordinating and sending organisation: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Receiving organisation: Teatro Metaphora – Associação de Amigos das Artes
Location: Camara de Lobos, Madera, Portugal
Deadline: 11/05/2017
Start: 04/06/2017
End: 06/12/2017
Duration: 6 months
Placements: 2 volunteers
Project Environment
Câmara de Lobos, where the “Tale of the two cities” project will take place at Maderia Island, faces several social challenges:
-large families as well as the dysfunctional families, domestic violence and family breakdown,
-lack of education, school failure and dropout,
-few employment opportunities,
-alcoholism, drug abuse, child abuse (physical and psychological)
-mendicancy, economic needs,
-bad eating habits,
-teenage pregnancy
The city Câmara de Lobos is situated on the south-central coast of the island of Madeira and it is one of the largest population centres. The previous characteristics increases rates of unemployment, lack of educational and cultural opportunities, exclusion, and disappointment in general. The local community in general requires more knowledge and attitudes about general European values, tolerance, ecological issues, cultural development, fighting stereotypes, entrepreneurship, creativity, active citizenship and initiativeness. By the functioning of Cultural initiatives which are turistic attractions, depends the existence of many sectors of the economy in region, but also affect to build social awareness, identify population with the region, building positive social attitudes.
Cultural economy is currently a major area of management in the state scale, involving considerable economic potential and human resources of the country. On the research basis, in the context of the development of the tourist potential, the most important action are in the field of: historical and architectural heritage, revitalization and culture, ecology and recreation.
Thats why the first part of our project connected is with the cultural actions through theater activities which aim it to promote Art, Culture, Traditions, Initiative, Volunteering and Cultural Heritage. Working on these areas we’re going to icrease community quality of life.
Madera is designed with the idea that people and nature can coexist. Residents have many opportunities to explore their environment. For example, with lakes and natural areas nearby, one can hear and see a variety of wildlife species. The connection between humans and nature is an important one. Our aim is to provide environmental information so that each inhabitant can make informed decisions and take action.Many features in Madera make it one step closer to becoming a community that conserves natural resources (e.g., water, energy, and wildlife). Construction of energy-efficient homes and buildings, preservation of open space, landscaping with natives, and conservation of natural areas and wildlife are just a few ways Madera is such a unique place.
Our aim is to educate the public about the importance of the environment and in preparing them to be stewards of natural resources. Local inhabitants should value the environment, respect all life forms, understand the basic ecological principles which support the planet, and live an ecologically responsible life-style.
Thankfully to mentioned activities of the project “Tale of the two cities”we want to,by changing attitude and approach young people to learn,increase the number of people with higher education.We think that contact with EVS volunteers show them also other ways to learn but also they will understand the importance of high education in our times. The project is very important because a lot of young people finish their education very early and do not gain competences which could help him in searching job in the future. This leades to high unemplyment level among youth in Portugal.
In this project we are putting the following objectives:
1. Develop art, culture and traditions by involving a large number of citizens of various age groups in the activities of Teatro Metaphora,
2. Provide the local community of Camara de Lobos with opportunities of personal growth and development;
3. Increase youth participation in community and civic life; promote and develop the sense of initiativeness;
4. Increase awareness and appreciation of local floral and fauna of the volunteers and local population
5. Increase participation in environmentally friendly landscape management practices and awareness and utilization of energy-saving and recycling practices among local population
6. Assist Portuguese youth in creating and conducting youth projects of their own; encourage intercultural learning.
7. Promote Erasmus Plus Programme as an opportunity for integration of youth in the local community and in an international context.
The volunteers tasks will be:
1) Promotion cultural heritage, traditions and art:
theatre plays will involving people, specially youth with fewer opportunities.. These youngsters come from very difficult backgrounds and involving them in activities such as set construction, making costumes, and acting, will occupy their leisure times preventing them from following unheathy habits. It will also increase their participation in community and civic life. In addition to that, we are developing a space in our association to give theater classes to children and then perform theatre shows all over the island. We are also cooperating with local associations involving their youngsters and children in our theater shows.
2) Ecological Activities:
Project Green Steps is one of them. This project aims to fight social apathy and also the lack of active participation of young people and community in general, in environmental issues. We want our message to reach as many people as possible, and that about 40 youth to participate actively in the activities
a)Organizing cleaning sessions and recovering areas (reforestation, beach cleanup, cleaning forests, etc.)
b)Managing local street campaigns to raise public responsiveness on environmental problems. We will use a lot of actions to create an impact and draw attention: poi-poi, clowning, joggling, face painting, etc.
c)Visiting landfills in order to raise awareness for the overproduction of waste.
d)Doing outdoor seminars about the preservation of ecosystems and natural heritage.
e) Workshop about reuse and recycling old objects (trash) in order to give them new life.
f)An exhibition with objects done on the workshop.
3) Mobility projects:
The EVS volunteers are going to promote the Erasmus plus programme, organizing youth exchanges and training courses, giving to our local youngsters with less oportunities, the chance to have an experience abroad. This will help them grow personally and to develop some technical skills. Volunteers will help on the preparation of the participants.
The main objective of this event is to promote healthy lifestyles of youth and adults and to develop teamwork . It is a healthy competition between five teams from different districts of Madeira island. There will be eight central games which main themes are about the traditions of the venue city. Preparation will be required: all the materials that are needed, make costumes for each team, contact local partners and all other human resources, etc. s event. Involving youth and volunteers on this phase them in these activities will improve their quality of work, develop their logistic skills, increase their particpation in civic life and encourage them doing their own community projects.
5) Artistic Decoration:
For the local festivity, we were challenged by the local city hall to decorate a street of Câmara de Lobos for Saint Peter’s Day. We’ll involve local youth on the preparation and instalation of the next summer decoration and contribute for a sense of beloging on the community facilitating inclusion of people with fewer opportunities.
6) Language course:
Volunteers will be asked to conduct language courses for the local community. This will improve not only the skills of the volunteers by giving them more public speaking skills, teaching skills, communication, etc as well as improves the participants skills.
The objectives of such activities have always been developing art, culture and traditions, providing the local community with opportunities of personal growth and development; increase of active citizenship and sence of initiative.
Volunteers Profile
Teatro Metaphora is looking for volunteers who are motivated to work with the local community, on the issues:
– European values,
– tolerance,
– ecology,
– cultural development,
– entrepreneurship and creativity,
– active citizenship and initiativeness.
We seek for volunteers with will to learn and acquire new skills, but also to develop their own initiatives apart from the usual activities of Teatro Metaphora (theatre, mobility projects, environmental youth initiatives). There aren’t any specific skills that we are searching on the candidates, but it is preferable, participants with 21 years old as the minimun age, since there is better sense of responsability and maturity. The volunteers should be comfortable living on their own and be able to adapt to a new environment.
It would be valuable if they had some experience in acting, public speaking skills, digital and handcraft skills. Basic English skills is a requiremnet, for a better adaptation. Having also the will to learn Portuguese.
We want to involve two young people from 20 to 30 years old, from Poland for a long term voluntary service of six months.
Accomodation and other
The volunteers will be accomodated in an appartment near the office of Metaphora(less than five minutes by foot).The appartment is equiped with a kitchen,living room,3 bedrooms,two toilets with shower and a balcony.The different parts of the house are also equiped with washing machine,cleaning and kitchen tools and all other proper tools for daily living of volunteers. Each one will have their own room.
Regarding the money provided to the volunteer,they will have money for food,pocket money (100€ + 145€ )