EVS w Portugalii, Madera, Teatro Metaphora

EVS w Portugalii to wspólny projekt Fundacji Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego i organizacji Teatro Metaphora. Projekt pt. “Tale of the two cities” będzie miał miejsce na Maderze począwszy od czerwca 2017.

Zgłoszenia (CV list motywacyjny w języku angielskim) prosimy przesyłać na adres natalia.podbielska@frsp.eu

Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 25 stycznia 2017

Organizacja koordynująca i wysyłająca: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Przedsiębiorczego
Dostępność: 2 wolne miejsce
Daty aktywności wolontariusza w projekcie: Czerwiec 2017 – Grudzień 2017
Czas trwania: 6 miesięcy
Gdzie: Câmara de Lobos, Madera, Portugalia

Kolejna propozycja EVSu na pięknej wyspie Madera. Tym razem połączenie projektu ekologicznego z kulturalnym. Szeroki wachlarz aktywności od możliwości tworzenia i grania w sztukach teatralnych, organizacji eventów kulturalnych po edukację ekologiczną lokalnych mieszkańców i działania związane z ochroną środowiska.

In this project we are putting the following objectives:
1. Develop art, culture and traditions by involving a large number of citizens of various age groups in the activities of Teatro Metaphora,
2. Provide the local community of Camara de Lobos with opportunities of personal growth and development;
3. Increase youth participation in community and civic life; promote and develop the sense of initiativeness;
4. raise awareness of the importance of the environment heritage at personal,social, economical and ecological level and learning to
value it and to protect it
5. increase awareness and appreciation of local floral and fauna of the volunteers and local population
6. increase participation in environmentally friendly landscape management practices and awareness and utilization of energy-saving and recycling practices among local population
7. Assist Portuguese youth in creating and conducting youth projects of their own; encourage intercultural learning.
8. Promote Erasmus Plus Programme as an opportunity for integration of youth in the local community and in an international

Proposed activities:

1) Promotion cultural heritage, traditions and art:
theatre plays will involving people, specially youth with fewer opportunities. These youngsters come from very difficult backgrounds and involving them in activities such as set construction, making costumes, and acting, will occupy their leisure times preventing them from following unheathy habits.
It will also increase their participation in community and civic life. In addition to that, we are developing a space in our association to give theater classes to children and then perform theatre shows all over the island. We are also cooperating with local associations involving their youngsters and children in our theater shows.
2) Ecological Activities:
Project Green Steps is one of them. This project aims to fight social apathy and also the lack of active participation of young people and community in general, in environmental issues. We want our message to reach as many people as possible, and that about 40 youth to participate actively in the activities
a)Organizing cleaning sessions and recovering areas (reforestation, beach cleanup, cleaning forests, etc.)
b)Managing local street campaigns to raise public responsiveness on environmental problems. We will use a lot of actions to create an impact and draw attention: poi-poi, clowning, joggling, face painting, etc.
c)Visiting landfills in order to raise awareness for the overproduction of waste.
d)Doing outdoor seminars about the preservation of ecosystems and natural heritage.
e) Workshop about reuse and recycling old objects (trash) in order to give them new life.
f)An exhibition with objects done on the workshop.
3) Mobility projects:
The EVS volunteers are going to promote the Erasmus plus programme, organizing youth exchanges and training courses, giving to our local youngsters with less oportunities, the chance to have an experience abroad. This will help them grow personally and to develop some technical skills. Volunteers will help on the preparation of the participants.
The main objective of this event is to promote healthy lifestyles of youth and adults and to develop teamwork . It is a healthy competition between five teams from different districts of Madeira island. There will be eight central games which main themes are about the traditions of the venue city.
Preparation will be required: all the materials that are needed, make costumes for each team, contact local partners and all other human resources, etc. s event. Involving youth and volunteers on this phase them in these activities will improve their quality of work, develop their logistic skills, increase their particpation in civic life and encourage them doing their own community projects.
5) Artistic Decoration:
For the local festivity, we were challenged by the local city hall to decorate a street of Câmara de Lobos for Saint Peter’s Day. We’ll involve local youth on the preparation and instalation of the next summer decoration and contribute for a sense of beloging on the community facilitating inclusion of people with fewer opportunities.
6) Language course:
Volunteers will be asked to conduct language courses for the local community. This will improve not only the skills of the volunteers by giving them more public speaking skills, teaching skills, communication, etc as well as improves the participants skills.

The objectives of such activities have always been developing art, culture and traditions, providing the local community with opportunities of personal growth and development; increase of active citizenship and sence of initiative.

Participant’s profile
Teatro Metaphora is looking for volunteers who are motivated to work with the local community, on the issues of democracy, European values, tolerance, ecology, cultural development, fighting stereotypes, entrepreneurship, creativity, active citizenship and initiativeness.
We seek for volunteers with will to learn and acquire new skills, but also to develop their own initiatives apart from the usual activities of Teatro Metaphora (theatre, mobility projects, environmental youth initiatives). There aren’t any specific skills that we are searching on the candidates, but it is preferable, participants with 21 years old as the minimun age, since there is better sense of responsability and maturity.
The volunteers should be comfortable living on their own and be able to adapt to a new environment. It would be valuable if they had some experience in acting, public speaking skills, digital and handcraft skills. Good english skills is a requiremnet, for a better adaptation. Having also the will to learn portuguese. We want to involve two young people from 21 to 30 years old, from Poland for a long term voluntary service of six months.

An open call for the candidates for the project will be made by polish organisation. The candidates will be asked to provide their CV and motivation letter. After analysing the applicants’ CV and motivation letter, we will invite the candidate for a Skype interview.
During the skype intervew, we’ll speak about the local reality, organisation activities, what we expect from the volunteers, his duties and tasks, as about what new projects and ideas could the volunteer bring, etc . Based on the interests of the candidate and motivation we’ll choose the most suitable canddates for our organisation.

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